Sunny Day - intro photo


The weather is so great lately. Why not get our girls out in the sun to spread the jam, while getting a tan?

How much can Ally Style gape you ask? Probably wider than any other girl on this site. She does not need a hand to get her cervix out in the open, but she has two extra hands in this video. Licky Lex does all the handiwork here, as she hold open Ally, and shoves a fist in sometimes. There is not much of Ally Style here that we have not seen before, but she is our best gaper, and she will keep gaping until her pussy cannot gape anymore!

相应的美图资源如下: SUNNY DAY - 2018年6月26日.


时长: 17:24



子宫 美足 扩张 女-女 阴道扩张 拳交 脱垂 巨大的 美穴 无毛的 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤 金发尤物



MEMBER-5958 2432天前

So she finds it relaxing having her cunt gaped to the max and being fisted by Licky. Ally, you are my kind of girl! Nice to hear them speak English!

Also findet sie es entspannend die Möse bis zum Maximum gedehnt zu bekommen und von Licky gefisted zu werden. Ally, du bist genau mein Mädchen! Gut dass sie Englisch sprechen!

MEMBER-7112 2432天前

I can understand how girl's omanko is flexible. Big hole and wide open inside. I'm not interested in fisting but around at 5:30 and 13:20, Ally's omanko lips expand twining outward with Licky fist thrusting out. That view is very nice. And amazing thing is that her omanko inside sureface is dead flat but instead it's filled with soft flesh. Let me give a suggestion to Ally. Your omanko prolapse on"Ally Style, Licky Lex - Internal Tanning - 2018-04-09" was good. And I expect you that when you have trained your pelvic floor muscle around your omanko, I believe you can blow your cervix out from omanko mouth for "Never seen show" Let's try it!!

MEMBER-10432 2432天前

Eagerbeaver does it again - he rarely fails to make me laugh.

MEMBER-7112 2432天前


MEMBER-5958 2432天前

How about a tag for Outdoor sets? It's so hot to see the girls expose their cunts in plain air.

Wie wäre es Sets mit 'Draußen' zu kennzeichnen? Es ist so geil wenn die Mädchen ihre Mösen an der frischen Luft vorführen.

MEMBER-5958 2432天前

Talking about outdoor sets...

May I suggest an idea for a clip?

How about a lady wearing fine clothes (without panties...) that is sitting on a bench facing the sun in a relaxed position, legs in the M position. Camera closes in from behind and goes round the bench to find the girl sitting with a speculum or another toy in her huge cunt so we can look right at her cervix.

ADMIN 2431天前

clitclicker - the good news is that I've added the "outdoor" tag to my "to do" list because it's a good idea :) The bad news is that the "to do" list is already pretty long and I still haven't got to it :-) I promise that one day I will update this site in a major way but it can take months... or years.

MEMBER-10180 2431天前

Nice cave views in the first half of the video. Always great to see the cervix.

MEMBER-14146 1888天前

I don't know what to write anymore for sheer enthusiasm!!

MEMBER-21696 820天前

Omg so f*cking hot! Ally is soo beautiful.




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