Inside Aria - intro photo


The only thing lovelier than Aria Rossi with her pussy gaping in your face is Aria gaping her pussy in your face and cumming.

Aria Rossi has an oasis of fantastic, smooth, bronzed looking skin. Complimenting this best is her gorgeous pink pussy hole, gaping open. This is not new to us, but some things just do not get old. I personally could watch her naked body all day. She has got these fantastic long legs, which stretch out to the side as you envision yourself going straight between. After she gapes herself for a while, she gets the speculum to do the gaping for her. In the meantime, she spread her ass, rubs her clit, and uses her hands to prod her bits. After some of this, she gets the vibrator out, and grinds out two orgasms. The speculum sits sideways in her pussy, which makes it look like a pink vortex.

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE ARIA - 2018年6月5日.


时长: 21:53



扩张 阴道扩张 自慰 妇科检查 真实高潮 鸭嘴器 跳蛋 阴道收缩 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-9201 2468天前

Thanks for the slow speculum extraction in extreme closeup! That's always so hot!

Aria has got a pink, clean, delicious - and long - vagina. We never got to see her cervix. Hopefully she'll return for some "special toys" :)

MEMBER-10180 2468天前

Sideways speculum position is not as good as upside down. I hope there will be another speculum video with cervix view.

MEMBER-10012 2468天前

Aria is becoming a new favorite. Nice!

MEMBER-9305 2467天前

No cervix = no interest.

Sorry PJG, I was actually looking forward to this video, especially after Adelles excellent video but I have absolutely no desire to watch a speculum video with no cervix views.

MEMBER-8185 2466天前

What a beautiful vagina on a beautiful woman. I love Aria's pictures!

MEMBER-9201 2466天前

DEEPDOWN has got a point! The cervix shot is *the money shot* of gyno videos (i.e. speculum, pussy cam & special toys).

A gyno video without a full, clear shot of the cervix just doesn't feel right. Always try another position, speculum orientation or even another toy/speculum to get "the cervix shot"

ADMIN 2466天前

Jiri ALWAYS tries to film the cervix. If it's not in the video it's only because Jiri hasn't succeeded in "finding" it but it's never an intention. We know there's a demand for it and he always tries to film it.

(On the other hand - unlike the pussy, the cervix always looks EXACTLY the same so...).

MEMBER-9305 2466天前

The cervix does NOT always look the same. Theyre all as unique as the girls themselves! We can see vaginas on more or less any porn site on the web, including close-ups and spreading. PJGirls does it in a lot more detail than most other sites, but the options are varied. What PJGirls does that so few other sites do is to show off a beautiful girls cervix in a way that only one or two other sites have ever done. Please, please, please do what you are so good at!

I saw a video on ALSScan a while back where they were struggling to find the girls cervix (to the point where the assistant suggested the girl may not have one) but they kept looking until they found it and it resulted in a fantastic scene. Quality sometimes takes effort!

MEMBER-7112 2464天前

Mmmmm, ADMIN, I agree with DEEPDOWN. The cervix is one of our targets for viewing pleasure and we are happy when we find her cervix is clean, shining or dry surface, how the root of it is shaped, the magnitude of prolapse, etc.

MEMBER-7210 2464天前

I just want to point out yet again that not everyone feels the same way. Personally I have no interest in the cervix. I love gaping but have not gyno fetish.

MEMBER-9305 2463天前

Which is fine GAPMANGAP but that's why there is a variety of different video styles available on this site. All fetishes are catered to at PJGirls but the speculum is for those of us who like to see the cervix. Would you like a gaping video that didn't show off the clit at all?

MEMBER-5958 2457天前

If the girl is willing to use a speculum in front of the camera, the cervix should be on display as well. But sometimes the girl's cunt is just not able to provide a view up to the ultimate goal. Hint: Try a bigger size on her...

Wenn das Mädchen bereit ist ein Spekulum vor der Kamera zu benutzen sollte auch ihre Gebärmutter zu sehen sein. Aber manchmal sind die Mösen der Mädels nicht fähig damit das ultimative Ziel zu zeigen. Tip: Gebt ihr ein größeres Spekulum...

MEMBER-10391 2448天前

Trembling and sexy amazing

MEMBER-14146 1888天前

a absolutley excellent video and her pussy is a jewel of nature !! Aria Rossi is a great model! More please !!




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