Internal Tanning - intro photo


Ally Style likes to get out and enjoy the warm weather. She likes to bask in the hot sun, and even let the rays of light touch down in her most intimate place.

Set out by the side of the road, two of the best PJG models help to air out and gape open one of the best pussies on the site. Ally Style gets her legs stretched up and out, and open her pussy in unimaginable ways. It still amazes me how much exposure she gets out of her omanko without even really prying it open. Then when she sticks her fingers in there, she gets it open all the way to the cervix. The positions Ally takes up are amazing with her bottom half flung right in the air and right in front of the camera. Both girls do an amazing job of keeping themselves out of the way of the action, while maximizing the amount of vagina for all eyes to see. You already love Ally Styles, and here is more of what you love.

相应的美图资源如下: INTERNAL TANNING - 2018年4月5日.


时长: 15:35



子宫 扩张 女-女 阴道扩张 极限 脱垂 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤 金发尤物



MEMBER-8874 2549天前

After a few months of ups and downs...this is PJGirls at its best.With this content you guys meet the standard " Masters of gaping".

MEMBER-9201 2549天前

Incredible views in the pile driver position! Please add pile driver to the routine for every girl!

(Pile driver = upside down)

MEMBER-4647 2548天前


MEMBER-7112 2548天前

Wow! Big hole! And her prolapse is awesome. I think omanko gaping and prolapsing might be good combination. See and why don't you invite Raisa?

MEMBER-6770 2542天前

WOW!! Another AMAZING Video! Thanks!!!

MEMBER-10001 2528天前

Licky does a great job of opening the hole and not blocking the few. Great video!

MEMBER-9973 2507天前

My car keys are not in there...

MEMBER-10180 2501天前

Fantastic video! An idea of tanning is very creative.
Nice to see a beautiful cervix!

MEMBER-5958 2470天前

This level of cunt display should be a form of art. Ally's hole is manually gapable to an extend that other cunts are not able to achieve by gaping toys like a speculum. Is there a gynaecologist out there that could recommend a sun screen for her cervix?

Diese Fertigkeit die Fotze zu zeigen sollte eine Kunstform sein. Allys Loch öffnet sich von Hand weiter als andere Mösen per Spekulum. Ist hier ein Frauenarzt der Sonnencreme für ihren Muttermund empfehlen kann?

MEMBER-10752 2358天前

Truly, a horny blunder! I love this outdoor shoot of Ally's fully dilated wind tunnel. Whats truly puzzling is that with all the wind blowing constantly into her, her pussy still maintained its wetness. she has passed the test of a truly horny girl. :)

MEMBER-14146 1925天前

Ally is a absolute guarantee for a superb pussy show !!

MEMBER-24298 522天前

Stunning wide gaping scene.




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