Sweet Karcoolka - intro photo


Welcome to the show, Charlotte.

Charlotte is a 19 year old beauty of a model. She looks stunning in this video, starting it off with red heels, jean shorts and a red blouse. She looks a little bit shy, and amateurish at times, which has its advantages as well.

She smiles quite a lot in this clip, and you will find her smile captivating. Her skin is very pale, and the more you see of it, the more you will be impressed by how smooth it is. Charlotte is a short lady, and a very thin model. Being a thin lady, she still has some lovely curves. Her pussy is completely shaven, and it is a rather tight pussy. Before we take to soaking our brains in her omanko, we take some time to check out her lovely feet.

When she starts spreading her pussy, it proves to be a very tight hole, and does not spread itself very much. Nonetheless, her pussy is very nice, as is her ass. Her pussy is very wet and hot, and I am sure this is not the last time we will see this young lady.

相应的美图资源如下: SWEET KARCOOLKA - 2018年3月15日.


时长: 23:24



扩张 美足 阴道扩张 高跟鞋 无毛的 美穴 舌 美穴 紧致的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-7390 2553天前

This girl has a very cute face but she doesn't exactly have a PJgirls vagina.

MEMBER-8874 2553天前

Super cute, young woman with a innocent aura, but as the others say: Sadly not a good gaper, not even a good spreader. Maybe she is a bit shy. I´m looking forward for more from her. Maybe she can open up more. ;)

MEMBER-5958 2552天前

She has no huge Fotzenloch but a nice big puffy pussy.
I like her!

ADMIN 2552天前

Yes, this is Jiri's work and Jiri is especially proud of this angel, she is a beauty.

We are a gaping site, not a "big pussy" site. There will always be some girls with tight pussies here.

ADMIN 2552天前

Sorry but you weren't there. Jiri was. He just phoned me and he is angry why people seem to think he (or the model) didn't do his/her best. He managed to shoot only two videos with her. She did her absolute best and in the second video you will see how her pussy lips were already red and "scraped" and painful and a third video couldn't be filmed for that reason.

MEMBER-6128 2552天前

I like her, too, and I also see Jiri's craftmanship in the video. Models are no robots and their bodies are all different. I am happy that they expose their pussies the way they do. Every single model has my gratitude and my respect for doing whatever they do for the camera.

@admin PEOPLE don't think that :D 1 dude does. Jiri shouldn't be angry - I bet to most of us he is, like he is to me, a pussy presentation artist. Cheers, Jiri.

MEMBER-6528 2552天前

Totally agree with Silentmode on this. This is a nice and cute girl, and I am thankfull that she is wiiling to show us her pussy; and thank for Jiri for the video recording.
I am one of those who is happy that this is a gaping site and not a big pussy site, as admin makes clear. Keep up the good work!

MEMBER-9239 2552天前

i think your criticism is unwarranted she really is a very beautiful model and I love the views of her gorgeous juicy cunt 10 out of 10

MEMBER-5958 2551天前

I don't really get the negativity. She is a beautiful young lady that is kind enough to spread legs in front of Jiris camera. Young and tight but with big puffy outer labia that form a wonderful slit.
I adore every woman that exposes her genitals like PJGirls are requested to. Every day a new hot girl, variety is the key to success. Girls are different and so are their cunts. But I like all of them.

MEMBER-9201 2551天前

Fantastic addition to the site! What a beauty! Bring her back for some more in depth exploration!

Please continue hiring the most beautiful girls regardless of age and pussy size!

MEMBER-9607 2540天前

She's a lovely beauty. Period. More from her, please.




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