Inside Izza - intro photo


A royal rumbling is about to happen right between her legs.

Izza is one hot little lady. Normally, guys would not get to see a girl like this naked, but PJG goes above and beyond for those people out there. Not only do we get to see her naked, we get to see her fuck herself to oblivion!

Izza is barely dress at the start of this video, and wastes no time getting her pussy on display. She slurps on the speculum and it goes right in. She shows you her cervix for a while before digging in to the action. Izza has a really great and young body with some grand looking lady lumps for breasts and ass. Before the action begings, her pussy hole is relatively clean and pink, with a red spot at the opening of her cervix. The condition of her pussy changes drastically over the course of this video though.

From the time she puts the vibrator to her clit to the time she is done, ten minutes go by. That is a long time cumming indeed. Izza has several very genuine orgasms here, as she turns the power up, and grinds her clit. Her orgasms come loudly and very obviously, as her pussy contracts, her body moves out of her control, and the pitch of her moaning spikes. Her vagina gets flooded with pussy juice, and becomes an unmitigated mess by the end of it. This girls seems to have all the endurance in the world, as she cums her brains out, and then gets right back to seeking more orgasmic fun. All of her orgasmic highlights come with the camera zoomed straight up her hole, in true PJG style. Eventually, Izza is spent, and can handle no more. She puts the vibrator down, takes the speculum out, and probably goes for a nice nap.

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE IZZA - 2017年12月26日.


时长: 17:48



子宫 妇科检查 自慰 真实高潮 跳蛋 阴道收缩 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-5958 2511天前

I like toook into a gaped cunt. Even better when the girl that shows us her cervix is a brunette. Thanks Izza!

MEMBER-6191 2511天前

Hmmmmmmm! I cant explain how unbelievably great that video was. Looking inside of a beautiful brunette such as Izzy just wonderful. The views were fantastic and so was the orgasms and contractions, she could put me to sleep yummm

MEMBER-684 2507天前

BILLZWXQAZ my sentiments exactly. Another PJ Girls classic.

MEMBER-6191 2507天前

Thank you




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