Long Leg Beauty - intro photo


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. That is what we get here, and that is what PJG delivers: beautiful young women, gaping vagina, and closeup camera work.

Jessica Bell is a very sexy young women. She looks even sexier here than she did before. Wearing a black dress and black panties, we can't wait to get a peak underneath. Quickly enough from the start, Jessica get her pussy out, and opens it up. Her undercarriage is very clean, and her pussy is completely shaven. Her lips are quite large, and gape quite easily. There is a lot of vagina to see, and so we spend a lot of time looking at it. She starts off spreading her pussy while lying on her side. Her legs are indeed quite long, and lean as well. The pussy doesn't come open all that much, but the view is stellar. A true pussy fan will appreciate the pinkness of her fotzenlach, in the midst of her pale skin, and pretty butt hole.

Jessica moves to lie on her back, and spreads herself for 7 minutes or so like this. Her gaping is great, and you will be treated to some of the hottest frontal spreads you could ask for. The views vary, as do the types of gapes. Sometimes she just holds her lips open, sometimes she digs in and really pries the gash. Sometimes the camera focuses right in between her legs, sometimes it backs off a bit to show her face.

Lying on her front near the end, she gets herself open in some of the best ass-up pussy views I have ever seen. Your mind will melt when you see her ass up in the air, with her pussy walls completely exposed.

If you are a true pussy man/ women, this video is not to be missed!

相应的美图资源如下: LONG LEG BEAUTY - 2017年11月14日.


时长: 21:02



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 苗条



MEMBER-614 2669天前

Wow. That's an impressive view Jessica has provided there. Keep it going. :)

MEMBER-3146 2668天前

amazing, beautiful girl, very sexy, perfect views, nice big pussy, and crystal clear video - perfect video for me.

love the use of fingers as in truth not a great fan of plastic speculums, so for me this is the type of thing I signed up for


MEMBER-6860 2668天前

Great! I canot understand how PJ Girls always can top high rated videos!

MEMBER-9042 2632天前

Ein faszinierendes Loch.

MEMBER-14239 1606天前

Damn, have a few more videos from Jessicas hole left to watch so my balls have to boost their spunk production rate!




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