Pussy Fitness - intro photo


This clip is 100% masterful spread marmalade from the people who spread it best. You will want your headphones for this one. Contrary to the video's name, this is not an exercise video.

Well, if you want to learn how to be more flexible, and perhaps how to spread your vagina like a champ, than maybe this is an exercise video. Izzy Delphine is back, and doesn't it seem like she looks better and better every time we see her? This time, she is delivering a proper Halloween treat.

The video is separated into two main parts: frontal spreading views and doggy style spreading views. What distinguishes her from a lot of other models is her ability to use her pussy muscles to push her self completely open. With four fingers, she spreads her giant pussy (its huge, your cock would need a road map in there!). It is a very chunky and unique looking hole to be sure. Then, while gaping open, she uses those strong pussy muscles to get even more open. This allows her cervix to be in view without any speculum. The sounds of her doing this are really special. The sounds her pussy makes in doggy style are different, but nonetheless, very loud.

相应的美图资源如下: PUSSY FITNESS - 2017年11月4日.


时长: 15:47



子宫 扩张 阴道扩张 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-5958 2694天前

What a pussy workout! I could look down her hole for hours. I love how that vagina pumps and winks to us. Btw: I doubt that my cock would need a roadmap. I have looked around in her cunt that often, I know the area between her thights inside out. Literally.

Danke das sich die geile Izzy so ganz schamlos bis zur Gebärmutter in die Fotze blicken lässt. Was für ein Loch!I
P.S.: Eine Straßenkarte für ihre Möse würde ich trotz der Größe nicht brauchen. So oft wie ich mir die Fotze schon angeschaut habe kenn ich die schon in und auswändig. Buchstäblich.

MEMBER-7051 2694天前

i haven't watch the video yet, but i already am sure it will be another of my favo', 1 for Delphine and 2 for the picturing.
ultimate site.

MEMBER-7112 2694天前

Yeah, it's almost speaking omanko! And long consecutive shot is very good for inspecting omanko. The problem is the focus. The depth of field for short distance is very narrow. Therefore, we can't see pee hole and cervix at the same time. Jiri, pease set focus on pee hole adjacent to be able to see holes of Skene's glands. As they are so small, need long time shots. ヒャー、しゃべるオマンコだ! 連続長時間映像はオマンコをジックリ見るのにいい。問題は被写界深度だな。子宮と尿道はいっぺんに見えない。ジリさん、尿道周りのスキーン腺の穴が見たいんだ。この穴ちっちゃいから連続長時間映像じゃないとわかんないんだ。

MEMBER-7665 2694天前

Nice to see a proper 4 finger gape from The Masters of Gaping. Had almost given up hope.

MEMBER-3146 2693天前

love when a girl opens big pussy with fingers and then pushes out, lovely textures and amazing control. Great work

MEMBER-8595 2693天前

This is it, all I need it. Love this video. Thnks Pj team

MEMBER-8880 2666天前

Another perfect video! We could think that there is faking; But no! It is reality. We are well placed at the entrance of a cute little pink pussy watching the cervix that moves inside. Thank you PJ :)

MEMBER-8959 2649天前

A great girl with a great cunt

MEMBER-14146 1896天前

her pussy-fitness-program is great work and so wonderfully vivid !!

MEMBER-22384 272天前

Wow, a seemingly nice tight pussy turns into a gulping cave with cervix shots without instruments. Fabulous




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