Cloe - intro photo

影片: CLOE

相应的美图资源如下: CLOE - 2017年7月20日.


时长: 13:20



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 舌 美穴 深色皮肤 厚重



MEMBER-6770 2786天前

Another fantastic video! Cloe is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks!

MEMBER-8019 2786天前

Wonderful cunt with fantastic lips ! This is the kind of movies which I like so very much - I need no great actions but only wide open pussy-spreads from front and behind and close-ups in long settings and views - simply perfect to jerk-off !

MEMBER-4899 2786天前

This movie is very horny. Therefore, my now following comments are criticism on VERY high level!
I agree Cuntspecht too: Long close-ups of an open pussy in solo videos. And Cloe's cunt is very hot! Too bad that the hottest setting of this film lasts only 34 seconds (11:58 - 12:32). Why so short? I am sure that many members want to enjoy such horny close-ups for many minutes. Without Film-cuts.
In addition, the women could hold their outer labia between the thumb and index fingers and then pull them apart extremely, so that you can enjoy the open cunt. Frontal recorded. Why are such settings still much too rarely filmed although I and also other members always ask for it?

MEMBER-8057 2786天前

i agree pussylover !!!

MEMBER-5958 2786天前

I dream of a woman that let us admire her wide open cunt the exact way that pussylover mentioned. Holding the outer labia between thumbs and index and maybe the middle finger. And then expose the Fotzenloch to us. Women with puffy lips preferred. :-)

MEMBER-4899 2786天前

Exactly, Clitlicker. And the whole then in uncut close-ups of at least 5 minutes :-)

MEMBER-7112 2786天前

Yes, I agree with everybody above. We enjoy close and detail inspections of cute lady's omanko hole. To do this we need longer time more and more. Same thing is said for still pics gallery. At least 100 pics required. Also we need intro scene only for checking if she is cute and good body. Then we can enjoy from plain to meaty mess or prolapsed detailed omanko hole. みんなに賛成。俺たちかわいい子のオマンコをじっくり見たいんだよ。それには動画の時間長くしてくれ。静止画像もおんなじで100枚以上必要。イントロはモデルがかわいいか、いい体してるか確認するだけでいい。そうすればノッペリからグチャグチャはみ出しオマンコの細かいとこ楽しめるジャン。

MEMBER-6460 2785天前

great pale skin brunette - always a wonderful contrast with the pink insides - I just love the calm, relaxed apartment interiors more - feels peaceful, no rush, take a look and take your time:)

MEMBER-7112 2784天前

Hey, guys, attention!! She has double PJtangue! There are a few number of girls who have the PJtange. But she has two tongues. There are couple of views we can notice them. Around 10:04 and on, there is good view to find them. One is outer and it’s small and the other is inner side of omanko hole and it’s large and thick. I couldn’t notice them on still pics before. On the video, the movement made me find the double existence. Excellent!!! ギャー、この子PJベロが二つ もあるじゃん! PJベロがある子って少ないけど二つもあるなんてすごい。この動画の10:04から後の部分でよくわかる。一個は外側で小さい、もう一個はオマンコの内側ででかい。画像じゃ分かんなかったけど動画で分かった。面白い!!!

MEMBER-4899 2784天前

Exactly what EAGERBEAVER portrays and also I like to intensively "study" is another reason why I am personally for it, precisely such detail recordings to show SEVERAL !!! minutes in extreme close-ups.

In addition naturally also SEVERAL !!! minutes-long close-ups with because pulled apart (outer) labia as already several times described

PJ GIRLS, would that all be possible?

MEMBER-719 2784天前

I think the 'problem' with the lack of long, lingering closeups of late is that - after several years of this - Jiri has probably grown tired of pussy! He needs a holiday - perhaps someplace where there are no women - to get his mojo back. The only problem, of course, is who would provide us with the unending, all-you-can-eat supply of gorgeous, wide open pussy that we've come to expect from PJGIrls? I KNOW! Maybe one of us could volunteer to take his place while he's off getting his vagina mojo back!!!


MEMBER-7390 2784天前

Yes, the quality has dropped a bit in the last few months. I love Licky but she has a tendency to go straight to the finger speculum with the other models. I (and many others) prefer a "buildup" where the pussy starts out closed and then the inner lips get spread to reveal the closed hole, and then the hole gets separated and pulled open, and THEN the inner walls get pulled apart. These recent videos all go from zero to cervix WAY too quickly. This in addition to the recent drop in the quality of the models (Where are the hot girls like Nathaly, Kira, Sindy Black, Kara, Foxie, etc???) has me not visiting here as often.

MEMBER-719 2784天前

Nobody? OK, I'll step up to the plate and volunteer! THAT'S how much I care about you people!

(This is all in good fun... nothing but respect for Jiri The Gape Master!!!)

ADMIN 2782天前

Glurkster - I disagree (and it's my honest opinion, not just because I work for PJGirls :-). I think some of the best videos in our history have been published in the recent months. On the other hand, I respect the opinion of some of our members that the scenes should have a longer "buildup" and I will suggest that to my colleague. I guess we try to keep the videos to a reasonable length/filesize and we didn't really see any difference between a 30-second scene and a 2-minute scene, considering that the angle and zoom are basically kept the same so it's like looking at a photo :-) Some other members prefer to see more action. But I will discuss it with my colleague.

MEMBER-7341 2780天前

Wow! Cloe is awesome! What would be nice @PJGirls, is some dirty talk / jerk off encouragement, while babes open themselves to the max as always!

MEMBER-6568 2780天前

This is just my opinion - a 2 minute scene is infinitely preferable to a 30 second one. Even if the angle and zoom is kept the same. Part of the beauty of an extreme close up is completely soaking yourself in the vagina folds. Watching the pulsating vagina walls is heaven. A photo is static but in a video you can really appreciate the subtle movements more. With a 30 second scene though, it's over too quickly. A 2 minute long extreme close up is perfect and is what makes many of the videos on this site great.

MEMBER-8019 2780天前

I think, in summary, we can say that most members prefer solo videos with horny girls, which open their pussies softly and slowly, until to a maximal spread and allow us then a thorough look deep into the hole - and all in long settings and uncutted close-ups.

ADMIN 2779天前

I spoke to my colleague earlier today. With longer videos we're sort of reaching the limits because the 4K files get far too large (we're talking about MANY gigabytes here) and we don't have the expensive cloud solutions of download servers all around the world like the big sites do.

Jiri says there are usually three videos with each girl. He could keep two in basically the same format as they currently are and the third one could be longer with the "buildup" and longer closeups. What do you think? I know you guys would love to watch 2 hours of pussies every day but there are always limits :-)

MEMBER-6568 2779天前

Admin, that sounds like an amazing idea. At least one vid per girl with long closeups is perfect!

MEMBER-4899 2778天前

Oh yeah. Great idea Admin. The quality in full hd sufficient for long close-ups of open pussies. Bravo!

MEMBER-5958 2448天前

I like the idea of some dirty talk very much. Preferably by one of the more experienced MILF models. And let it be as graphic as the sets are, the nastier the talk the better.
'You want to see my cunt? Sure, come close and just look into my hole, I'll gape it to the max for you. Do you see my cervix deep down in my vagina?'

MEMBER-12278 2165天前

you can't argue about taste,but
I personally like solo scene more like this , without nasty attributes and so on,

hopefully more like this, then everyone just like me
remain a members.

MEMBER-21638 892天前

So many suggestions for longer scenes of gaped pussy. Ever try using the PAUSE button? Or perhaps the SLOW MOTION function in media players (i.e. Windows Media Player)? Extended times result in larger video files.




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