Under The Bridge - intro photo


Licky strolls into our video as the epitome of elegance before (still elegantly of course) opening her legs wide to show her beautiful shaved puss and pulling down her top to reveal and then massage her dark, peperoni nipples.

After gently pulling her lips aside, Sarah joins her on her rug (on the floor - remember she's shaved) to help widen the gap. Two hands are always better than one, and the gap indeed widens most admirably revealing a rich vista of vaginal ripples crested by her open urethra.

With the addition of a little lube however things start to get more interesting as Sarah works her hand all of the way inside Licky's cavern. It's such a great sight to see vaginal lips spread tight around an inserted hand - and this view is delivered perfectly from 8.40. We see not only Lexy's lovely elastic lips - but also her awesome anus - all in sharp relief. Great fisting leads to great gaping and this video is no exception. The main event here for sure however is how Sarah works her hand deep into Lexy's fanny - forwards and sideways.

The video closes with some great rear gaping and a gorgeous view of Lexy's yummy bum. We're not sure if the chilli on Lexy's arse cheek is hot - but this video certainly is!

相应的美图资源如下: UNDER THE BRIDGE - 2017年7月13日.


时长: 18:11



扩张 阴道扩张 女-女 拳交 无毛的 美穴 金发尤物 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-5523 2797天前

Outdoors full fisting and gaping! Beautiful. The area under the bridge has become PJGirls unofficial "outdoor studio". I like it!

MEMBER-719 2797天前

This is a perfect example of the problem with the outdoor studio: Lighting. Such a wonderfully perfect doggy position gape, but all we can see is a black hole because of the lighting conditions, rather than a juicy, rippling pink tunnel that we'd see under more controlled (and comfortable looking) conditions indoors. Great action, though! And thumbs up for variety. Just respectfully stating my personal preference :)

MEMBER-8055 2763天前

yum yum, gaping rear view. Great.

MEMBER-12317 2177天前

licky lex ist eine wirklich schöne frau. was mich stürt, ist das piercing in ihrer möse und die tattoos

MEMBER-5958 2166天前

Die Tattoos find ich nicht so wild, die sieht man ja nicht, wenn wir ihr zwischen die Beine schauen. Das Piercing am Kitzler find ich allerdings auch nicht toll. Am liebsten habe ich Naturmösen. Ungepierct und unrasiert. Leider sind die so selten, insbesondere im PJGirls Spezialgebiet der weit gedehnten Fotzenlöcher.

MEMBER-14146 1890天前

a well maintained fisting is a great work to stretch a pussy for fantastic gaping play's !! :-)

MEMBER-17442 1465天前

Beide Mädels sind supersexy. Licky Lex ist ne Schönheit. Allerdings mag ich auch keine Piercings oder Tattoos. Sind aber wohl bei dieser Generation Mädels irgendwie angesagt.




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