Inside Belle Claire - intro photo


Claire is indeed belle - tres belle. Blond, beautiful, slim but full breasted and blessed with one of the neatest pussy's you'll find this side of legality.

This pussy's not to be left idle however, as soon our beautiful Belle inserts a clear speculum deep inside to provide a perfect view of her (equally gorgeous) inner sanctum. Rotating the speculum ensures that we can appreciate the view from all angles - always with her gooey cervix at the cave end. The view as we move to macro at 4.30 is, frankly, what makes PJG the stunning site it is - with every mm of Belle's depths shown in perfect sharp detail.

Is this only about the viewing - not from Belle's perspective. She soon begins to use the speculum as a dildo, allowing us to bask in her walls as they flex in and out. As if this wasn't good enough however, the metal spreader is inserted to provide an even wider view.... all ready for the addition of gooooood vibrations.

Belle applies the vibrator to her clit, her pussy still wide open, to let us watch as she takes herself towards a beautiful, bum clenching orgasm. Her walls are amazing - but do you know what? The look on her face is almost as sexy.

Bravo Claire you are clearly belle!

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE BELLE CLAIRE - 2017年7月4日.


时长: 16:40



子宫 自慰 妇科检查 鸭嘴器 真实高潮 阴道收缩 跳蛋 玩具 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 金发尤物 苗条



MEMBER-5523 2807天前

Damn, she's great. I agree, more Belle!

MEMBER-7930 2805天前

OMG ........ o__O
so hoooooooooooooooooooooooot

MEMBER-8071 2784天前

this little girl has some some nice gooey mucus flowing from her cervix, I like what she is showning, nasty naughty little show

MEMBER-8055 2764天前

Gorgeous girl. I must congratulate the fabulous PJ team for yet again a fabulous production. I'm thankful for having the privilege to get a glimpse of the beautiful models in amazing speculum sets. I reckon the effort to try to please all the viewers demands, please do not neglect the doggy position, moreover when you have such a beautiful girl . Thanks.

MEMBER-12950 2100天前

Shame to hide her beautiful cunt behind a speculum.

MEMBER-14146 1904天前

Brilliant ! A great video! What a fairytale pussy! Her inner walls squeeze around the speculum-leaves and in the middle of her pussy we can see a "uvula vaginales" - wonderful,only wonderful!!

MEMBER-19325 903天前

Omg! She is amazing! Please bring her back! I'd pay to see more about her

MEMBER-24298 503天前

My goddess Belle. Love your speculum show so much!




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