Nathaly and Lex - intro photo


Welcome once more to Nathaly, one of PJGs gaping stars.

Nathaly and Licky provide 10 mins of great pussy play, with Licky assisting by providing lube and an extra hand where required. Together, Nathaly and Licky stretch Nathaly's pussy wide open to provide a superb view of her inner walls.

In the main however, Nathaly is more than capable of handling herself, inserting the entirety of said hand all of the way inside her lovely pussy. As she presses deep inside, we are able to see her outer lips cling to the shape of her hand. As we all know, fisting provides an excellent means of stretching for more gaping views, and these aren't disappointing. Nathaly repeats her insertions both on her back and on her knees.

Which do you prefer? Decisions, decisions?

相应的美图资源如下: NATHALY AND LEX - 2017年6月25日.


时长: 9:55



扩张 拳交 阴道扩张 女-女 巨大的 美穴 无毛的 美穴 明星 深色皮肤 苗条 金发尤物



MEMBER-7112 2807天前

Amazing beautiful girl, huge hole of omanko. I was surprised that she can insert her fist into the omanko so easy, no hesitation and no resistance. Her omanko hole has got really huge. Then, this is the must operation for PJGirls that PREPARE A HUGE SPECULUM TO SPREAD NATHALY'S OMANKO TO MAX WIDTH FOR EAGER CUSTOMER (BEAVER?EVERY BODY) VIEWING PLEASURE. スゲー美人のでかいオマンコ。驚いたな、手のひら簡単にオマンコに入れちゃうんだから。オマンコの穴本当にでかくなったんだ。じゃあうんとデカイクスコでナタリーのオマンコ広げてくれ!

MEMBER-4899 2807天前

I agree with EAGERBEAVER. Nathalys huge pussy with an extremely large speculum to stretch to the maximum. Indoor shot, well so that you can study all the waves and wrinkles of this horny pussy. Please also frontal Solo - Video with long close-ups :-)

MEMBER-7112 2807天前

Go for it!!

MEMBER-5523 2807天前

Nathaly gaping outdoors is a beautiful thing to see. More please!

MEMBER-5958 2807天前

Yeah, give her the biggest speculum that you have. That hole needs to be gaped to the max! I wanna see that cervix in her big cavern. Nathaly, show it to us, please!

MEMBER-719 2806天前

I'm on the fence about the outdoor settings - it's nice to mix it up (and presumably saves some production expense) - but the outdoor lighting seems to create a problem for our deep, closeup, macro-lit shots. I feel just a tad cheated in the 'Juicy Closeup' department. A minor quibble with the best site of its kind in the history of porn!

MEMBER-7778 2805天前

Thumb down for self Fisting. I really love lesbian fisting but i dont think this is a right site fore me.

MEMBER-14146 1883天前

pussy spreading and gaping from the best - two professional at work - a fantastic work!!




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