Little Bit Romantic - intro photo


Nathaly wanders through a wooded grove wearing an elegant blue floral dress. She exposes her voluptuous, large nippled boobs, massaging them before raising her skirt to show us her lovely bum.... and so begins 8 mins of pussy stretching, Nathaly style.

Nathaly has, without question, one of the most malleable pussies on PJG giving superb gaping views from the earliest stages. Jiri's camera work is, as always, superb, providing a clear focus of all of Nathaly's lovely wrinkly bits.

The only thing that was missing from this glorious expose of our lovely Nathaly was a can of fly spray, as the pesky critters kept landing on her beautiful pussy in mid spread. Oh well, I guess it just shows that Nathaly's fans come in all shapes and sizes.

相应的美图资源如下: LITTLE BIT ROMANTIC - 2017年6月22日.


时长: 12:09



扩张 阴道扩张 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 明星 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-5523 2810天前

Beautiful setting made more so by Nathaly and her amazing gaping skills. Great!

MEMBER-719 2810天前

Very nice photography in this one. The narrow depth of field isn't perfect for the closeups, but the wide shots look very cinematic. A general comment: Beautiful gaping pussy looks so much more fun when visibly moist. Nathaly looks a bit dry here. Be sure to include lube in your on-location kit! Thanks for another great video.

MEMBER-6128 2810天前

Nathaly never disappoints! Thank you PJGs !

MEMBER-1925 2810天前

Love the 4 finger gapes, really gives a clear view of the deeper interior of her inner walls, she also looks gorgeous and her pussy is perfect. Would suggest that she be a mentor and give instruction to some of the other models on gaping techniques because hers is excellent.

MEMBER-7112 2809天前

The comment by Clitlicer on the gallery "Little bit romantic" proofed her tits got bigger. At 00:50 and on, we can see scars on her each tits lower side which show silicone bags inserted. But i don't care if they are fake or natural. The bigger is the better. And her omanko, there is nothing to say except gorgeous or exciting. When she pees, it's much better though. The back ground is so natural that we ca see a fly on her omanko surface. Oh! I wanna be that fly! クリットリッカーさんのこないだの「オッパイでかくなった?」のコメント正しいな。00:50あたりにオッパイの下側に豊胸手術の跡が見える。でも俺はどっちでもデカけりゃいい。オマンコは最高だね。シッコすりゃもっといいのにな。背景が自然すぎてオマンコにハエが止まってら。ハエになりてー。

MEMBER-7643 2809天前

Eagerbeaver has the most interesting observations..

MEMBER-5958 2809天前

Even a fly can't resist Nathaly and her wide open Fotzenloch.
Please do many more sets with that sexy girl.

MEMBER-6770 2808天前

Another amazing video! Fantastic! Thanks! Love those unobstructed gapes! That's why I'm here! Thanks again!

MEMBER-7876 2801天前

Es ist einfach wunderbar wie sie ihre heisse Fotze spreizt und ihr herrliches Loch freilegt !

MEMBER-7341 2786天前

Yeah!!! More Nathaly!!! The wider, the better... Love to see her inside meat!!!

MEMBER-6884 2765天前

Desire to look her beauty cervix with speculum.

MEMBER-8549 2712天前

I wish I was that fly sucking nectar off her pussy

MEMBER-9842 2514天前

Amazing girl with a stunning dirty cunt! For a second I was worried, when she opened her hole, that the fly could get in there lol.

MEMBER-13752 1971天前

I personally think she is the most beautiful model on! Really, I met the pjgirls series because of her!

MEMBER-14234 1891天前

God dammed fly got a closer look than me




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