Whole Arsenal - intro photo


Delphine is certainly one of Sir Vic's favourite models, and to see her demurely perched on the bed, with a smorgasbord of toys and instruments in front of her just makes me drool with antici-pation!

We start with a pink dildo, first inserted at each end and then, as this is Delphine with the amazing flexible pussy, folded in half. The image as she squeezes it in and out using her cunt muscles alone does slightly remind me of a scene from Alien, but is great nevertheless!

Having accommodated her first toy, Delphine demonstrates how its warmed her up by tugging her vadge entrance wide open - but not as wide as its going to get! With the insertion of the paddle spreader Delphine's vaginal canal is held wide enough to give us a clear view all of the way to her unblemished cervix. The view of her pussy walls as the spreader is removed is yummy.

Next comes the egg whisk pressed all of the way in. With the addition of a little lube, Delphine uses this as a dildo. When Jiri moves to macro at 11.54 the clarity of focus on Delphine's pussy walls is simply stunning - really justifying your hi-def download! We even get a brief glimpse of Delphine's cervix as a bonus.

OK - it shouldn't be a bonus - it should be the main event - so in goes the large metal spreader which opens Delphine wide enough to leave nothing to the imagination and allows us to study her cervix to our hearts content. the macro view at 15.40 is again stunning!

The final course in this magnificent menu is the hexagonal wire cone. This allows us to inspect all of Delphine's walls at once.

Delphine is without question one of the best gyno models out there and this has to be classed as one of the best gyno vids. PJG, we salute you!!!

相应的美图资源如下: WHOLE ARSENAL - 2017年4月22日.


时长: 20:42



子宫 扩张 妇科检查 特殊玩具 鸭嘴器 极限 阴道扩张 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 湿润的 美穴 金发尤物



MEMBER-6568 2875天前

I agree with Red_Rock01. Have more of the models do videos like this one!

ADMIN 2874天前

Delphine's cunt is extraordinary and she knows what people want to see :-) We wish other models were like her! :-)

MEMBER-719 2874天前

Red_Rock... every model is different. You can't jam just anything into every models cunt, and I for one wouldn't want to see that! Delphine is unique, and I'm happy that Jiri mixes it up to keep us all happy. For my money, Paula Shy with her fingers alone shows me exactly what I like to see!

MEMBER-5523 2874天前

Kudos! The fact that Delphine "knows what people want to see" is one of the reasons she is a star on this site. She seems to have confidence, the right attitude and a fearlessness that few others display.

I think Sharon is similar in this regard and would love to see her shoot a scene like this one and the recent scenes shot in public.

MEMBER-7112 2874天前

Bravo!! PJGirls!! This is the one I've wanted to see!! And I think lots of members also waited for. Omanko gaping show with various tools is very unique. BTW, OMANKO is authorized name. Not omonko, but omanko please, Mr.Red_Rock01, haha(sorry:-) Delpphine's omanko is not so large but inside is incredible. Its movement is really enjoyable. It must be good to do the same project with other girls. If so, I want to see Nathaly, Barbora, Silvie, Nicole, Ani, ect. Especially, Barbora's must be splendid. やったね!PJGIRS!こういう奴が最高!!スッゲーオマンコの中身!みたい奴いっぱいいるよ。いろんな道具をいっぺんに使うの珍しい。ところでRed_Rock01さんヨ、オモンコじゃなくてオマンコと言ってくれ。デルフィンちゃんのオマンコはでっかくないけど中はぐちゃぐちゃでスッゲーな。おんなじの他の子でもやってよ。ナタリーとかバーボラ、シルヴィー、ニコル、アニーとか。バーボラがやるときっとすごいぞ。

MEMBER-5958 2874天前

So wonderful to see Delphine put tool after tool in her amazing Fotzenloch and let us perverts look into her hole. I liked to see the Sullivan speculum in gaping action. You should give it to the models more often.
Delphine always delivers and I am glad that she is totally shameless when it comes to presenting the cunt.
Keep spreading, sweet Delphine!

MEMBER-6128 2873天前

Awesome video, gorgeous Delphine - with a great combination of tools to open that Fotzenloch wide for close inspection. Thanks, Jiri and Delphine!

MEMBER-7323 2873天前

Loooove! Yes, The raw vaginal creamy chuncks and cervical mucus oozing. That is naturally arousing. The natural pussy is the sexiest.
It really gave the feeling of a beautiful stranger that I've just come across when I was on my way back home.

MEMBER-7160 2871天前

Delphine is a goddess and I never tire of seeing her on this site.

But I could have used some time with a wider angle of her lying back and smiling with the speculum in. The whole time it was all close-ups and dutch angles. The same angle as in images 78-80 from the photo gallery would have been great.

MEMBER-5958 2870天前

Yeah, a wide angle would be awesome. Thighs as wide as possible and a speculum ratcheted to the max. And then a girl with a huge omanko giving some innocent smile to the camera.

MEMBER-7462 2855天前

Delphine always delivers and I am glad that she is totally shameless when it comes to presenting the cunt.
Keep spreading, sweet Delphine!

MEMBER-13323 2011天前

I'm in love with this beautiful girl

MEMBER-14146 1886天前

PJ - it's a excellent video!! A great "arsenal of weapons" to stretch a pussy and great show to use it!! :-)




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