New Toy - intro photo


相应的美图资源如下: NEW TOY - 2016年11月12日.


时长: 12:28



扩张 阴道扩张 鸭嘴器 妇科检查 无毛的 美穴 紧致的 美穴 湿润的 美穴 舌 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条



MEMBER-5958 3014天前

With that speculum we can see the walls of the vags much better. Bambi let us see her riffled ones so well. I only wished we would be able to see the cervix.
Had she been visited by a man lately or is that her own mucus in her hole?

MEMBER-6452 3013天前

I really like the new metal toy. Too bad we don't see her cervix clearly. This video should be perfect with the cervix focus. Please try it on other girls :)

MEMBER-4485 3013天前

MMM, I also expected the cervix shot. I think the speculum cloud be inserted much more. The neck of speculum did not dipped enough on the video. The tunnel seemed much deeper.子宮が見られると思ったのにー。クスコもっと突っ込めよ。ヴィデオではクスコの首が残ってるじゃん。オマンコの穴、もっと深いじゃん。

MEMBER-6212 3013天前

`Yes, that`s the myor problem with this site, we cannot see the model`s cervix.

MEMBER-719 3013天前

Agreed. Until we can dive into a Virtual Vagina in 4k 3D VR, we won't be happy! Come ON, PJ, get with it!!!

ADMIN 3013天前

Lillepus - the problem with this site is that you can't see the cervix? Seriously? That's not very polite.

Of course we try to film the cervix whenever possible. But it's possible only with certain types of pussies.

MEMBER-6212 3012天前

Admin- Polite or not, it`s partly true. Take a look at But this is of course a much better site, and "problem" a too strong word. And, I`m friendly, not polite, hate that word.

MEMBER-719 3011天前

OK, now I've actually watched the scene so I can legitimately comment! While not usually a fan of speculums, (preferring wide open pussy in the context of eroticism rather than pure anatomy), I love this video! The way she moves it in and out so that we see the pink, wet vagina walls rippling open and closed makes it something unique and special, and hot! IMO, seeing a cervix is 'proof' of seeing deep, but it isn't the end goal. That seems like a medical fetish to me - which is totally fine, but more the specialty of sites like ExposedNurses, as Lillepus stated, rather than PJ Girls.

ADMIN 3011天前

Belleboy - agreed but sometimes I get the feeling that if a cervix isn't visible, it's like the end of the world. For some our members (minority? who knows) it's a holy grail. Not for me personally - I prefer the outer labia because I can play with those :-D

MEMBER-5958 3011天前

I like to see the girls spread wide open, gaping hole. When we get to see the cervix I know that the lady is completely at ease having a camera filming deep in the Fotzenloch.

MEMBER-7764 2807天前

I actually dislike cervix.. its too much and the sexiest thing is pussy anyway. So im glad there are no cervix stuff!

MEMBER-18208 1372天前

perfect video gorgeous girl with great juicy pussy views and wet panties the only thing I would add would be a close up of her pulling her panties off so we could see her sticky mess on them




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