Sexy Milf - intro photo


Steffi is very sexy in her long lacy (and mostly see-through) black nightie, as she lounges on the back of a white couch. She slowly lifts up the nightie and slowly spreads her legs to reveal matching black panties, but the camera zooms and the panties are pulled aside to reveal her smoothly shaved pussy (and soon enough, the panties are pulled down so that her naked twat is much more readily visible. Steffie then rubs her lips with both hands, squeezing her labia together, then grabbing one in each hand, pulling outwards so her cunt opens up and we can see the pink annulus of muscle that defines the entrance to her vagina. Her clitoral hood is very well defined as she pulls and presses her rubbery flesh for us.

Then the camera moves back a little, and Steffi demurely looks at the camera as if to say "yes, I know you're watching... here, let me show you some more!" as she massages her labia, stretching and pulling and compressing so that her vagina opens and closes for us, amd then opens again.

With her smooth long slite still ponted at the camera, she reaches behind her neck to loosen the nightie's top, freeing her soft breasts for a massage. Then she slides her butt forwards to stick her pussy in our face, and pulls hon her outer labia some more, before doing a reacharound spread. There is something very pink about her insides, contrasted with her slightly darker pink of her labia majora and the paleness of her skin that makes her so very attractive (as if any woman spread wide and naked could be anything other than attractive), but the way she almost shyly looks at the camera emphasizes her wide-open vulnerability. Our cameraman also gives us some nice closeups, where her omanko fills the screen.

Then Steffi inserts two spit-moistened fingers into her twat and pulls it open for us, so we can see the ripples and folds of her vagina, before turning around and facing away from us (or if we're looking for pussy, facing towards, it is all a matter of perspective). Up until now, Steffi has been open but has not truly gaped wide, but now that the pressure of her internal organs is changed, her cunt opens up and her vagina finally gapes wide open for us. And once again our cameraman gets in extremely close, so that we can see her pussy moving as her muscled gently contract (and we can hear her cunt gently making wet noises).

We finish with more in-vagina finger spreads. Steffi does not have a huge cunt like some of our models, but she is very classy and very sexy about showing what she does have in loving detail.

相应的美图资源如下: SEXY MILF - 2016年10月18日.


时长: 21:59



扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 湿润的 美穴 舌 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤



MEMBER-6286 3053天前

Straight forward pussy spreading. Keep it simple. Like it.

MEMBER-4899 3053天前

Great shots. Particularly the settings where Steffi grabs her outer labia between right and left thumb and index finger and then pulling apart. Please longer such shots - in many many minutes in extreme close-ups. It would be fantastic to see other models in this setting. In Silvie Deluxe, Foxies or Nicole Vice for example, I would imagine that very well ...

MEMBER-6260 3052天前

It's so mutch better without speculum.
I'm agree with Pussylover.

MEMBER-6043 3052天前

I like it like this. I don't care for speculums, egg beaters and whatever that other wire contraption is. The speculum just seems so clinical and is a turn off.
Steffi....Pretty face, nice body, beautiful cunt.

MEMBER-5958 3052天前

I like both. Extreme closeups of the vagina being held open wide with both hands and a Fotzenloch that is gaped by a speculum, exposing the ladies cervixes.
I'm looking forward to seeing some new specula very soon.

MEMBER-5890 3052天前

Thanks for the lack of speculum etc in this. Hands only is best.

MEMBER-6182 3052天前

Not a huge fan of the speculum.. or anything mechanical. Love wide open hand spreads. I guess because vicariously I fantasize about fucking the pussy.. and seeing a speculum or something else in there just gets in the way.

ADMIN 3052天前

Guys, please bear in mind that 67% of members of this site wanted to see speculum in our videos... so be tolerant. Some videos will be with speculum, some without.

MEMBER-5738 3050天前

I agree with the "non-spec" types. I enjoy the wet pussy simple as that. I'll put up with "tools", love the dildo close ups, but nothing is better than your close-ups of a beautiful wet pussy...... ;)

MEMBER-5430 3050天前

People have different tastes. Well done switching it up. I love this as well as speculum play etc. Such a hot women.

MEMBER-4063 3049天前

The cloesups of herr pulled-apart are the Beauty itself!

MEMBER-7449 2869天前

A wide open cunt with no objects is the best. I join sites solely for the purpose of seeing gorgeous women and their beautiful cunts.




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