Inside Steffi - intro photo


Steffi, a beautiful MILF we have seen before, starts this video the way many on PJGirls has started before. She's already naked, knees up, legs spread wide open, a speculum stretching her shaved cunt wide open with beautiful lighting so we can all see exactly what we want—deep inside her gaping vagina, her fotzenloch, her omanko, the thing we guys all desire, held open for us to appreciate, worship, and derive pleasure from.

Steffi has the speculum in sideways and she massages her soft breasts and rubs her clit while the camera zooms in for a wet closeup. Her cervix is bright and shiny, and we can see the threads from the IUD as her breathing gets heavy while she pleasures herself (and stretched wide open, we get to watch). Her moans and deep-throated sighs shows that she enjoys what she's doing for us, and she levels-up the game by licking a hitachit wand and massaging her nipples. When she lowers the vibrator to her clit, we see her face turn to ecstasy before is zooms in on her wide-open pink wetness.

We can see her vagina clenching in pleasure (and we hear her moans), and because this is PJGirls, we know that it is not faked (in fact, you can hear a Czech accent in her moans), and she orgasms for us, held wide open, while we look deep inside her (you can tell the orgasm is real from the sexual flush in her face and chest, and the vaginal contractions). After her orgasm, she takes a moment to recover and look at the camera, while the speculum continues to hold her cunt open for us to enjoy.

Then comes round two, this time in extreme closeup, where all you see is yawning Fotzenloch, wide open Omanko, gaping Cunt, and the vibrator starts slowly (so you can see her labia and clit wobbling) and then faster and faster until it is at high speed. This time we don't see her face when she climaxes (that OK, we get to look in her cunt), and we see her juices flowing, her vagina contracting, and after orgasm she opens up again so we can see her pink cervix. The speculum eventally comes out (aww!) but there is some more wet and noisy finger play before the video ends and Steffi finishes with a happy sigh.

But I need (after a a fews weeks of absence from writing video commentary) to get serious for a second. In our secret inner voices, we may call her "whore", we may say "good girl", we may say "spread it, bitch". That's okay, but that is a fantasy in our own minds. That is not reality.

In real life, this is a woman who is willingly showing us what we want because our photographer (and hopefully, all of us) respect her as a woman, as a person. We desire her wantonness, we desire her lewdness, but if we were to meet her on the street the next day, we would all (I hope) be polite, treat her honorably, knowing that what transpires between us in our secret horny fantasy world is consensual play between adults who agree to the game they are going to play, and that what happens later in polite society is polite.

In the US there is an election coming up, where one candidate has shown a tendency to treat women as objects. In our fantasies, on the website, objectifying a woman for her cunt is OK because it is all consensual. But in real life (and as the other candidate stresses), things are different.

I know that every member of this website loves pussy, omanko, fotzenloch, vagina, cunt (the bigger, more open, and wetter the better). I just hope that you all know that the object of our desire belongs to a human being worthy of respect, and treat women in real life differently than in the wonderful fantasy world that PJGirls gives us. Thank you for being gentlemen (and gentle men), and enjoy Steffi's wide open hole :-)

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE STEFFI - 2016年10月15日.


时长: 10:50



子宫 自慰 妇科检查 真实高潮 鸭嘴器 阴道收缩 跳蛋 玩具 无毛的 美穴 湿润的 美穴 舌 美穴 熟女 深色皮肤



MEMBER-719 3058天前

BRAVO on the extra commentary. I am grateful to these women, always.

MEMBER-6182 3058天前

I couldn't agree more.. in the bedroom we can let ourselves be free and lust after one another with abandon. Women are beautiful! They are to be treated with respect and be respected. They are half of he human race. They are powerful - probably more than some of them realize. Fuck Donald Trump! I hope crawls back under the rock from which he came.

MEMBER-5958 3058天前

Women are fantastic! So fascinating and of course woman are to be treated with every respect due.
Especially the ones that spread legs for us pussy lovers and let us have a intimate look into a wide open Fotzenloch. I love you all, PJ women! Thanks for being the wonderful persons that you are!

MEMBER-4841 3057天前

Another triumph of quality from PJ. Great girl, great clip. I completely agree with the smart comment from the description. I am most grateful with all the beautiful models of the site for letting us peek into their wonderful cavities, a thing only in dreams and fantasies were made true in the past. I know every user has his/her own opinion, but for me I would certainly love to see the speculum in almost all the photo and video shoots. Thanks.

MEMBER-6181 3057天前

Well I'm not sure injecting politics is anygood. The twins aren't any better than the other. And I didn't vote for either of them. Not that I disagree with the statement , but there is alot of women owned porn companies that love T. I'm not always an either or type of person. I chose write in for GE. For the only Feminist who bothered to run this year. Even though like George Washington, he doesn't seem to want the job. Besides why guy (Bernie) goes around and does the dishes and laundry :)

MEMBER-6286 3053天前

The IUD strings are unique; I like.

MEMBER-5430 3050天前

Lovely such a sexy women. Thanks for showing yourself off!

MEMBER-5738 3027天前

You need to keep your political comments to yourself and focus on your website, NOT politics. I find it humorous you've fallen into the mass hysteria brought about by the media on Trump. Most haven't figured it out they've been "Trumped" by the media into believing one candidate over another without knowing ALL of the facts about both of them. Even more hysterical is your willingness to condemn a ridiculous comment Trump made years ago about a woman's anatomy although your willing to promote extreme forms of porn and justify YOURSELF. Neither act mentioned here is welcomed by all, regardless if the woman agrees. So, that being said, lets not go down the political road on this site and enjoy these beautiful women long as THEY are willing. ;)

ADMIN 3026天前

TINO1964 - that was just a personal comment of the guy who wrote the description. For example I considered Hillary as a disaster for the world. So my opinion is different to his but it's no big deal. This is porn and I agree it shouldn't turn into a discussion about politicians ;-)

MEMBER-6705 2983天前

Ich liebe es, wenn gleich zu Begiinn des Videos das Speculum in der Fotze steckt.

MEMBER-5958 2959天前

Ja, ein direkter Blick in die Scheide direkt zu Beginn ist geil!

MEMBER-7025 2935天前

cant spot any contractions

MEMBER-11174 2338天前

More iud cervix

MEMBER-14146 1901天前

It's a premium Video; watch her inner walls - wonderful! Thanks PJ - thanks Steffi!




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