Purple Monster - intro photo


I know that Alex is not to everyone's tastes, but there is something to be said for a woman who can get into a wide-open squat and fuck a purple dildo that is as big around as her arm (and that something is "yes, please!". So that is exactly what Alex does! Lube it up, and stick it in to her big stretchable hole.

And then she continues to squat, pulls out the purple monster, and proceeds to stretch her big cunt for us. She's big and loose enough to do some interesting vaginal gymnastics. So even if Alex is not your "type", when the camera zooms in close and all those folds, ripples, and flexible pink bits fill the screen... well, if you're not having fun, why are you here?

Whatever your tastes, Alex has a fantastic, flexible cunt, and she's not afraid to let us look while she spreads it open for us!


时长: 9:56



巨大玩具 假阳具 极限 扩张 玩具 连裤袜 修剪的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 湿润的 美穴 舌 美穴 成年 红发 丰满的 厚重



MEMBER-5334 3092天前


MEMBER-5455 3090天前

I love the beautiful girls on the site here but Alex brings something quite different. He has an awesome cunt and after all this is an awesome cunt site! I am also a sucker (or should that be a wanker) for those tan holdups! Don't be afraid to keep giving us something a little different. Alex - I salute your monstrous cunt!!

MEMBER-5958 3062天前

The 'pussy-cam' tag is wrong.

MEMBER-5914 3025天前

More of this model's beautiful cunt, please!

MEMBER-6286 3012天前

Too much toy; can't see her huge hole enough.

MEMBER-6392 2994天前

Alex aka Martina Neumajerova is the superwoman. Everything about her is extra large, the magnificent stiff nipples, the most beautiful cunt in the world in extra-large execution and not least her unsurpassed and insatiable sexual lust combined with a romantic infatuation. Please more from her!!!

MEMBER-7379 2760天前

she might be ugly but what a beautiful cunt

MEMBER-11666 2227天前

trop de jouet on ne voit pas assez son super géant trou

MEMBER-11666 2227天前

trop de jouet on ne voit pas assez son super géant trou

MEMBER-14146 1865天前

WOW what a pussy - beautiful

MEMBER-13584 1851天前

Sensationally vivid. Woman-ness

MEMBER-15703 1671天前

She has such a beautiful cunt and feet!

MEMBER-17545 1327天前

Find more wonder women like this please!

MEMBER-20687 988天前

She’s gorgeous. Certainly not ugly in any way. She’s awesome.

MEMBER-22910 622天前

Please, please, please bring her back for a 2 chairs video and another large dildo video.

MEMBER-24147 474天前

I just quietly skip her.




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