Alien Inside - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: ALIEN INSIDE - 2024年11月22日.




巨大玩具 美足 扩张 阴道扩张 假阳具 无毛的 美穴 巨大的 美穴 深色皮肤

预览图片 (整个套图包含 131 高清图片)


MEMBER-20414 62天前

Ich jauchze und frohlocke :-))) - beim Anblick dieser herrlichen Bilder! ❤️ Ich sehe und staune, Alexa du hast's ja voll drauf. ❤️ Deine augenscheinlich gut trainierte Möse, kann eben auch Großes leisten :-))) ❤️ - super !! Thanks Alexa & Jiri
I'm cheering and rejoicing :-))) - when I see these wonderful pictures! ❤️ I see and am amazed, Alexa, you've got it all. ❤️ Your obviously well-trained pussy can also do great things :-))) ❤️ - great!! Thanks Alexa & Jiri

MEMBER-26673 62天前

Looks like the same horse cock Lexi Dona bounced on last week..

MEMBER-5552 62天前

Dont like dildos... blocks the view into the pussies. For me its ok to see it once in a half year, but not repeatedly in such short time.

MEMBER-26837 62天前

How about a dildo competition? Mark the dildo in measurements, then see how much of the dildo the pussy can take. Can the pussy take 20 cm? How about 25 cm? 35 cm? 45 cm? You get the idea. Can the pussy completely bury the 35 cm cock? Let's see?

MEMBER-12338 62天前

Jiri I love the painterly light that you have in images 119-127. I like the gaping cunthole too, but I wanted to compliment you on your lighting skills :-)

MEMBER-26814 62天前

Terible set , dont know why dildos are on a pussy gaping site. and i can see a black hole any place, very bad lighting where it counts. Any way welcome alexa thanks for joining the team.
Also cc bill cant find my sub useing cc and user name.
Why is thiqs the case, as you are aware martin i

only rejoined to help supply funds for models wagers.
Plan to quit after 3 months yould be nice if that was posible.

Love to see spreaders anqd gape cage before the 3 months is up and ofcause some girl verse girl sets, don't ont we all miss that.

I did get the highst maembership so to help with paying for 2 girl sets.
Maybe start a second site with 2 or 3 girl sets and gape cage pussy spreader type sets, as the above type set is terible.

ADMIN 62天前

I absolutely don't understand why dildos are a problem for some people. We would never release a gallery that doesn't have gaping photos. And there are many of those in this gallery. Plus, using a large dildo will make the cunt open up a bit more. We've been using dildos at PJGirls since we started 12 years ago and we plan to continue to do so. [Jiri]

Regarding your subscription: you asked several times before and the answer is still the same, just enter your subscription ID and email address in the form at the CCBill website and you can cancel your subscription. It always works, I just tested it myself. You can find your subscription ID and email address in the email that you received from CCBill (in your case it's the email from October 18). [Martin]

MEMBER-25430 61天前

I'm gonna disagree with these guys. I like the huuuge dildo. Heck, I like anything that makes the pussy hang wide open. Fist? Hell yes. Huge rubber dong? Hell yes. Monster speculum? Why not? IDC what it takes to gape the cunt bigger, I'll take it. I especially enjoy the before and after effect. Combine that with a huge resting gape (no hands spreading, just legs apart, pussy hanging wide open) and that's the magic combo. That said, "normal" smallish dildos are useless, and I agree get in the way of the enjoyment. Only giant size dildos and plugs will suffice here, and only for the purpose of making the gape truly enormous. There's no need for a bunch of time or photos with the dildo/plug inserted. So all this said, this is a great set and I'm stoked for the video. While not a fan of the excessive tattoos, I know that you guys have little say in that department. Keep producing the quality content and I'll keep subscribing. Aint nothing else like PJ on the entire interweb. Love you guys. Thanks!!

MEMBER-26814 60天前

thank you for your reply martin, you have mixed with another member. i have no email from you on that date andno join confermation email. not a consern at the m9

ADMIN 59天前

TROUTS - no, I have not mixed you :-) You joined on October 18. If you can't find the payment confirmation email from CCBill please get in touch via email and I will reply to you privately, I don't want to reveal your subscription ID in public.

MEMBER-26452 33天前

Unlovely as his monikor is, I agree with Fartman69.
I often wonder why big dildos aren't marked off in inches/cm. It would be good to know how deep each girl can take it. Cunt deepening/stretching with ever longer and wider dildos can work wonders. Alexa's ability to take this very thick dildo up inside her must surely be the result of stretching practice. Cunts are very stretchy - they have to be!
As for a 'dildo depth' competition - I'd enjoy that!




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