Aneta - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: ANETA - 2017年9月13日.




扩张 美足 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 年轻 深色皮肤

预览图片 (整个套图包含 70 高清图片)


MEMBER-7112 2735天前

Pretty girl with awesome omanko! PJGirls are the best of the best. The hovering stretched omanko is such a nice view. Although I need the picture gallery contains at least 100 pics, please.

MEMBER-6787 2734天前

It is disappointing that we did not get speculum videos for a long time. Why? I am member of PJ Girls for that. I am looking forward to seeing again videos with speculum the soonest. Thank you.

MEMBER-7112 2734天前

Yes, LAPONIE1. I feel lately our PJGirls don't use speculum, endscope camera or metal gizmo as before. These tools are used to give better view of omanko inside. Most of the members want to enjoy beautiful girl's omanko inside views. ( Dildo is not the tool for it. Therefore, I don't like it) To use these tolls are one of the treasures of PJGirls, I think. How do you think, guys? ( Also pee scene please)

MEMBER-7641 2733天前

It'all based on your particular perspective/desires. At times I feel like the pure gaping videos without speculi, toys and metal objects are way overdue, and I've learned to try to be patient. It all comes around.

ADMIN 2732天前

There have always been about 3 speculums videos per month in average (sometimes 4, rarely 2). The only exception being this August when there was just one. But there are two speculum videos in September already and perhaps there will be a third one (I don't know) so that seems OK to me.

Next time I speak to my colleague I will ask him and make sure that the average of three videos per month is kept.

MEMBER-11825 2260天前

I just saw a kitty cam sometime in the middle of 2018. Irony since the other side similar to this one found out the kitty cam is something they should have done ages ago because it ended up being a big hit, mainly because of the odd comments, and thats why I love the kitty cam as girls can't normally see what we we with a speculum etc , while a speculum shouldn't be removed off the site it's fun to have everything to play with. now and then. ie dont go breaking cams :O




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