Tera Link - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: TERA LINK - 2017年8月2日.




扩张 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 年轻 苗条

预览图片 (整个套图包含 78 高清图片)


MEMBER-7112 2746天前

Comment #1, Booyah! Tera's omanko has blown out my brain again! It's counted 8 times! Cute girl, small tits(;-<) long slim legs, stretchable omanko, pretty labia, lovely pinkie, tiny pee hole, sweet omanko walls, oh everything of Tera(except one;-<) is excellent. As every guy wants, next time, metal gizmo insertion, side way speculum, end-scope camera and gushing golden stream please! (BTW, cervix is missing)コメント一番乗り。ブヒャー、テラのオマンコはぶっ飛びだな!もう8回目だ。可愛くって小ちゃいおっぱい(;-<) 綺麗な足、おっ広げたオマンコ、小陰唇、かわいいオマンコ小指、チッチャイ尿道口、すっげー膣の壁、(一個だけ除いて(;-<) 全部スッゲー!次は前から言ってる鳥かごおもちゃ、横クスコと爆流シッコとオマンコカメラだな。(子宮見えないじゃん)

MEMBER-7112 2745天前

To every guy who wants Tera Link's omanko extreme gaping show more, raise your desire on this comment column! And make Tera as our young queen of gaping!(Oh! wanna see Tera's pee hole meat migration with pinkie stretching )テラちゃんのバックリオマンコをもっと見たい人、このコメント欄にじゃんじゃん書き込めよ。テラちゃんを バックリオマンコクイーンにしようぜ!(テラちゃんのマンコ小指を引っ張って尿道のお肉が引っ張られるとこ見てー)

PS: Her name is Tera Link, not Tara Link (:D

MEMBER-5958 2745天前

Yeah, please more of Tera! I love how shamelessly she gives her hot Fotzenloch to the world. The lip pulling gives such a hot view right at the Scheidenvorhof / Vestibulum vaginae.
Now let's see the inside of the tunnel with the cervix. Give Tera a huge speculum to gape the cunt for her many fans.

MEMBER-4899 2745天前

And it would be nice to see from Tera (and also other women) at least 4 minutes without cuts, extreme close-ups with extremely wide apart outer labia in frontal position.
I know: In Tera's first film, she drew her outer labia apart. But stop everything under one minute filmed with many cuts. I dream of close-ups that go on for several minutes. Without cuts. At the best, the women keep their pussies up far like Barbora, for example, perfectly mastered. And additionally hold the adjustment apart with the outer labia pull apart. Without cuts

MEMBER-7112 2745天前

Pussylover, you seem you are interested in the movie. Myself, I like movie but I prefer pics more. Because when the pic in high resolution, I can enjoy omanko detail as much as I can. And it never ends. When Tera stretches her pretty pinkie, I expect that I can notice her Skene's glands because adjacent skin of pee hole migrates with pinkie and the gland holes stretched wide for easy inspection. The pictures might be better than video in this case. Oh, wanna see it. Pussyloverさんはヴィデオが好きなんだな。俺はどちらかといえば写真の方が好きだ。高画質ならオマンコの細かいとこいくらでも見られるじゃん。ヴィデオみたいに終わっちゃわないし。テラちゃんがマンコ小指引っ張ったら尿道口も引っ張られてスキーン腺広がって良く見えるんじゃないか。この場合は写真の方がいい。見てーな。

MEMBER-4899 2745天前

EAGERBEAVER, i like such insights in the film especially well because of the liveliness. And since I also like to study long the details I dream of extreme close-ups lasting several minutes without cuts :-)

MEMBER-9195 2610天前

71 is so good view of pussy and face




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