Not So Saint - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: NOT SO SAINT - 2017年4月24日.




扩张 阴道扩张 紧致的 美穴 修剪的 美穴 舌 美穴 深色皮肤

预览图片 (整个套图包含 41 高清图片)


MEMBER-5571 2854天前

Ok,- I'll speak straight from the liver on this one.
If this is all your photographer is able to produce with a talented girl like this, then get rid of him/her and hire another. This is probably one of the lousiest photo galleries I've ever seen. (...and I've seen a few.). This is not worthy your image!

ADMIN 2854天前

The owner of the site is the photographer. We are just two guys running this site. My colleague is doing photography, videos, postprocessing, rendering, renting apartments + equipment + hiring model. With a bit of luck he has 5-6 hours left for sleep per day. Private life zero. I'll pass your message to him if I manage to reach him this week. He'll be happy to hear such feedback, it will definitely encourage him.

Seriously, we've had bad luck recently, 3 or 4 of our latest models had such a tight pussy that it's a miracle we managed to film at least something. Antonia was absolutely useless in this aspect - and unfortunately very difficult to work with.

MEMBER-5571 2853天前

Dear admin,
thank you for your kind response!
I can understand and appreciate that models might be difficult to work with, and that this definitely is hard work and effort. Too bad,- she seemed so promising; like she enjoyed herself. However, we should bear in mind that it also is hard work and effort for the model, especially if she is fresh and inexperienced. Maybe she might response more positively on friendly guidance. (Remember the world hit by Aretha Franklin exactly fifty years ago this year. Or have look here [ ]. There's no better way to say it ^_^ .)
And there is another but; it appears as if your cameraman/photographer has more focus on the filming part, and not so much focus on the photographing part. The footage/filming is mostly and definitely outstanding, and I enjoy it very much! However some of us (at least I) also highly appreciate a good photo session. That's where and when you can enjoy the sensation of taking in the details of the models efforts to perform an enjoyable moment for us, the spectators. What I mean to say is that I would wish he would put some more effort also in the photosessions. Just a friendly suggestion for a better experience for all of us.
Kind regards

ADMIN 2852天前

MASTERBAT - as we wrote in one of our previous posts (a couple days ago) there was also a problem with the camera. To be more specific, we normally use fullframe cameras but for this particular session my colleague grabbed a Canon 7D and its internal flash was used to trigger external flashes - but there's a bug (that we didn't know of) that the internal flash overheats almost immediately and as a result the camera basically becomes useless for a couple of minutes after each shot (!), displaying just a "busy" message after each photo. That's why a couple of the recent galleries are so brief and not as extensive as you've been used to.

But in general I can assure you that he's an excellent studio photographer and I believe many of the past galleries prove that. You can't judge him by this gallery, Antonia is a beautiful girl but she is really useless for gaping content (you can't do miracles with a tight pussy) and there have been some personal problems there (that I don't want to mention), that's why we won't hire her again. I know the current galleries may not reach our very high standard but as I've said, there have been several simultaneous factors that explain that. Bad luck last week.

P.S. Aretha Franklin is a goddess, of course ;-)

MEMBER-5571 2852天前

Thanks! ^_^

MEMBER-8261 2743天前

Okay okay the pic series is not that bad :) we still have a super sexy bitchy Antonia and pics which are by all problems mentioned here still a lot better than on other sites with high budget and stuff and still using dark light settings. So thumbs up for you working hard guys ;) in CZ; a country which I personally like a lot. Cheers

MEMBER-9842 2520天前

Nothing wrong with the pictures. She just doesn't has that great of a pussy, for my taste, but she got nice coany tits.




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