Cuntfistaction - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: CUNTFISTACTION - 2016年4月1日.




拳交 扩张 女-女 女同 阴道扩张 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤 苗条 金发尤物

预览图片 (整个套图包含 48 高清图片)


MEMBER-4842 3252天前

I see the hands, there must be a pussy somewhere. I prefer a plain ol open pussy.

MEMBER-4849 3252天前

Concerning the comments of yesterday - lesbian-scenes at this site are unwanted, but I know the photo-gallery was shot earlier. Hard and intense fisting and gaping is okay, but with a little bit fingering nobody here is happy. What we like to see are solo-models with wide open spread cunts and close-ups.

MEMBER-719 3252天前

ADRENALIN - Who is this 'we' that you speak for? I want to see wide-open, gaping pussy with long closeups. On that we agree. But don't say 'WE' only want to see solo-models. I for one think that it would be hard for any gaping fan not to include (for example) Lara/Silvie DeLuxe 'Incredible Cunthole' in their top 10 list! I respect your opinion. I just bristle at those who claim to speak for everyone.

MEMBER-4788 3252天前

seeing a girl gaping open her pussy is why I signed up, sometimes the models focus too much on lesbianism and not enough on the theme of the site, seeing a girls wrist go back and forth an inch inside a girls pussy is boring after a while, the reason I never watched fisting or big dildo porn is because they rarely gaped open after or during... Please don't take this as criticism, this is the best site I have found for this in 20+ years, better than alsscan inthecrack gapemypussy and 18closeup combined!

MEMBER-4915 3251天前

Nice scene, looking forward to seeing the vid. Great pics, PJGirls.

MEMBER-4826 3251天前

The style of videos like "Inner Massage" with Nathaly and Delphine is really nice and unique. Girls fisting each other like there's no tomorrow on the other hand is ALS style. I find it completely boring, aside from the pullout part maybe. Also I don't think that negative votes are a really a bad think. If there were always only positive votes how to know what works best for the majority and how to check what can be improved?

MEMBER-4063 3251天前

48 pics are a little few for a photoset, even on PJGirls!

ADMIN 3251天前

Testales - that's easy, we could tell the good videos from the bad ones by the overall number of positive votes. I'm not happy if people give thumbs down (they could just ignore the video/gallery instead), on the other hand we gave you the power to do so... :-) And we'd never fake results so we have to live with the fact that some of the videos or photos will have a negative rating (although I personally think they are all really good, just maybe some of them are different to what some people came here for).

We are working on a detailed survey which will hopefully tell us what the members really want to see :-) I'm really happy to read all the users' comments but it's just a small portion of the members who has the courage to comment. Hopefully the "quiet ones" will take part in our survey :-) (But the results will probably be very diverse so in the end we'll simply keep doing what we've been doing so far and what we're good at :-)




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