Funny toy - intro photo



相应的影片资源如下: FUNNY TOY - 2016年2月15日.




高跟鞋 扩张 阴道扩张 特殊玩具 玩具 修剪的 美穴 明星 深色皮肤 苗条

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MEMBER-4485 3307天前

ナタリーは2015年10月28日のヴィデオ: PIERCED BACKHOLEで肛門の御開帳やってるけどオマンコとこの風船と一緒にやらないかな?(英文説明でも2個穴のおっぴろげがいいって言ってる)きっとすごいぞ!Nathaly showed anal hole spread on OCTOBER 28, 2015 VIDEO: PIERCED BACKHOLE. Why can't she try both anal and OMANNKO simultaneous insertion spread?(The description says two must be better) Both holes enlarge might be exciting!

MEMBER-2314 3306天前

Thanks Nathaly, can't wait for the video !!

MEMBER-2998 3306天前

Why do none of the girls strip any more on this site?

ADMIN 3306天前

Well it's a pussy site, most people want to see the inside of the pussy, the cervix, pee hole etc. But I will talk about it with my colleague, perhaps he could film a bit more of footage at the beginning before the girls take their clothes off.

MEMBER-2998 3306天前

Thanks for the reply - I meant that they are never completely nude

MEMBER-2314 3306天前

I like it better when the shoes stay on :D

MEMBER-4063 3306天前

Stripping is not a MUST! There are videos, there fits it good to the whole performance, in other cases it is not necessary. There are enough websites out there with too much stripping. I tried ATK, Inthecrack, Nasty Czech (gapemypussy, etc.) and I can say PJ-Girls is the best website for the lovers of open pussy and nothing else.

ADMIN 3306天前

OK, now I understand what Githead415 meant. The problem is (as you can see from other comments) that many people love gaping in combination with high heels, nylons or a tank top. There are many fetishists out there and to be honest, we all know what a nude woman look like - those pieces of clothing add certain magic to the scene :-)

MEMBER-4487 3306天前

I agree with Mosenfan. There are many sites with too much stripping. PJGirls is fantastic in the niche it occupies: 10 minutes of gaping is always better than 7 minutes of stripping and 3 minutes of gaping. But pieces of clothing in the scene is always interesting - high heels, tank tops and even costume all provide a certain uniqueness. But the close-ups are where the magic really lies and, at that point, it doesn't really matter what the girls are wearing ;)

MEMBER-4485 3306天前

Yes, I agree with ADMIN. The PJG members are pussy lovers( especially its inside) and clothing is only seasoning. I like high heels and dark nylons. But at least girl must looks good and with that face, pussy will be the main dish. We don't need stripping but high heels and dark nylons add the scene pretty.

MEMBER-4604 3302天前

I think a balanced scene with a natural build up and progression is the best! 3 minutes stripping, 6 minutes pussy spreading closeups, 9 minutes gaping.
I doubt that two of the best scenes, Fingerculum (Tracy Lindsay) and Tower (Sindy Black), would have been that popular if they were 100% gaping. They are great because the girls are been sexy, flirting with you, teasing you AND eventually giving you some fantastic gaping.
We all agree that we get a lot of gaping here and probably not enough at closeup sites like FTVGirls, ALSScan, 18Closeup and even InTheCrack. But that doesn't mean that scenes here should be 100% gaping and nothing else.

MEMBER-9842 2502天前

I can't believe that this is the same Nathaly from 2013. She looks way more pretty in 2016, and her tits look so much better and bigger.




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