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Many of you haven't noticed it but in your member profile (supposing you are logged in, of course) you can switch from the main download server in EU to a mirror server in the USA. From now on you can also switch the server for online streaming. It may seem weird why we're having these two independent switches but let me explain how it works.

The main site runs on our European (Czech) server. Downloading large files can be slow for our American or Asian customers so we hired a mirror server in the USA. When you switch your download server to the US mirror it works like this: the American script runs the authentication process (it asks the EU site whether the customer can download/stream that particular video) and then starts sending you the requested data.

But there's one catch. The initial authentication communication between the servers can last up to 5-10 seconds. This can be a crucial delay for streaming - the player integrated in the browser may give up ("timeout") simply because it may not want to wait anymore.

So here is my advice: European customers should have both settings set to Europe. American customers should set the download server to USA and the streaming server to Europe. Asian and Australian customers should try both options and see which one is faster for them. Just switch the server in your profile, then go to any video detail (remember to refresh the page to get the new links) and attempt a download.

And don't forget one very important thing. We're sending our data to you via a 1 Gbps (or even faster) connection. Most of you have a good internet connection too. So if you experience slow downloads, it's not because of your or our connection. There may be an obstacle somewhere on the route and it's something we CAN'T influence in any way. So please don't complain to us :-) The only solution would be having fast mirror servers on basically every continent and that's probably not going to happen in the near future ;-) (But if you know of a fast and affordable server in Asia please let us know).


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