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Merry Christmas! [2017年12月24日]

Dear members and friends, first of all we wish you Merry Christmas (although we know we have many fans in countries where Christmas is just another working day of the year). Year 2017 wasn't as turbulent as the previous years. We focused mainly on improving our services: we "hired" another native speaker for the video descriptions, updated reviews at review sites brought us to TOP 5 in almost all categories, we installed a HTTPS certificate to make the site access more secure, we held a big survey to understand what you guys expect from us, we enabled access to new customers from many more countries and we held a contest - your task was to recognize a pussy! All of that not only made our site even better but also hopefully brought us even closer to our community and some of you have become our friends.

We have just invited more visitors to become our members by offering a temporary $5 Christmas discount to them - I hope our loyal members don't mind but we have to do some promotion from time to time and these new customers will bring a bit of extra money that will allows us to film even better videos for us. Also bear in mind that loyal members already have access to our bonus videos while new customers have to wait three months for that.

Fresh news just arrived while I was writing these lines: TheBestPorn (by far the best resource on ratings of porn websites) has just rated us 89.5% which is a slight improvement over the previous score but above us gives us the #4 position in Sex Toys and #8 position in All Fetishes. WORLDWIDE! We are among Top 5-10 adult sites in the world and that's only because they don't have a "Gaping" category because we all know we'd be much higher ;-)

Anyway, we wish you all the best in year 2018 and we would like to thank you for your support and loyalty! We appreciate it very much!

Martin - webmaster, customer support
Jiri - photographer, cameraman, video editor


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