This bonus video is beautiful in its simplicity. What could be nicer than a beautiful girl spreading her vagina wide for your appreciation??? Well, that would be two beautiful girls spreading their vaginas wide.
You can only revel in the opportunity to compare and contrast as Belle Claire and Sarah open themselves for us. Both are indeed beautiful. Sarah starts the bidding with a four finger insertion, but Claire's four fingers certainly up the stakes as her chasm is brighter and wider.
Once in macro mode we can fully appreciate the contrast of Claire's gentle undulations against Sarah's more defined ripples. From the outside view, perhaps Claire has the edge - but you know what - if I could climb in and walk around, I think Sarah would provide the more interesting journey.
Thankyou for the beautiful bonus!
Este e um projeto de premiação que esta disponível para clientes com mais de 3 meses de filiação atual.
Você e nosso assinante por: 0 mes(es). Atualmente você não tem permissão para baixar gratuitamente esta atualização :-(
A galeria correspondente de fotos pode ser encontrada aqui: BONUS WITH BELLE AND SARAH - 15 de julho de 2017.