Our most beautiful redhead, Charlie is a delight to behold. Sitting on the edge of the kitchen worktop, she raises her short black skirt to show her bare pussy. Without further delay, she grasps the clear speculum to insert it deep, providing a clear view down to hr perfect pink cervix. She rolls her top up, showing us her augmented breasts, before returning her focus to her open pussy. Looking deep inside, we can see that her walls are coated with a creamy glaze of pussy juice. Her walls are gently rippled and her clit stands erect above the chasm. The view inside as Jiri zooms in is utterly delicious, Charlie's rippled walls being show in perfect detail. It's always great to watch a girl fucking herself with a speculum - and this is no exception. The undulation of Charlie's walls and the rise and fall of her cervix is just gorgeous (great sound effects too!). Charlie swaps the speculum around to show us her upper and lower walls (love this - thank you). Her rippled walls now beat a path all of the way to her pouting urethra. Magical!
「PINK INSIDE CHARLIE RED」の9月14日の画像、すごかったけど今日の動画、大満足だね。Charlieはオレ好みの美人だしフェイクだけどデカパイだ。初めは縦クスコで真ん中にでっかいシワシワ子宮頸部がニョッキリ、左右の膣壁のシワやちっちゃいお肉の突起、それからしみ出てくる女汁やその白いカス、そそるねー。そのあと、大好きな横クスコだ!シッコの穴から子宮までのシワシワの天井、ぶっつぶれた子宮、下側のブツブツ、なんてすごいんダロ!やっぱりPJG,いいな。
同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: PINK INSIDE CHARLIE RED - 2023年9月14日.