Aleya Under The Bridge - intro photo


It's a breezy day for our gorgeous Aleya. As the wind blows under her skirt, we see her beautiful bare pussy beneath. After squeezing her luscious boobs through her blue top, Aleya pulls her top down to let us enjoy the fabulous vista of her full breasts, crested by large, tawny nipples. Lifting her skirt, Aleya lets us study her totally smooth, shaven pussy.... and it really is TOTALLY smooth. Aleya turns around to lay on her front, holding the cheeks of her full ass apart to better display her pussy. Sitting back once more, she continues to hold herself open, letting Jiri zoom in close. After the cut of moving to her front, Aleya covered her breasts - clearly a mistake - so she remedies this by once more exposing them to our adoring gaze. The last section of the video therefore lets you enjoy Aleya's pussy, round ass and gorgeous boobs all at the same time.... who says you can't have your cake and eat it?


Beauty's tits are worth to watch. And completely shaved crack is beautiful. Her omanko hole is not so big but meat inside is well undulated and very interesting to watch.

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: ALEYA UNDER THE BRIDGE - 2023年8月31日.


長さ: 13:30



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ パイパン オマンコ ブルーネット デカパイ ポッチャリ



MEMBER-7112 557日前


Beauty's tits are worth to watch. And completely shaved crack is beautiful. Her omanko hole is not so big but meat inside is well undulated and very interesting to watch.

MEMBER-13648 557日前

Another excellent 'Under the Bridge' masterpiece. Thank you Aleya and Jiri.

MEMBER-14183 556日前

Very nice brunette lady. She is shaved so well! I could not find a single hair at her Fotze. And I did look very thorough!

Sehr nette brünette Dame. So gut rasiert! Ich konnte kein einziges Härchen an ihrer Fotze finden. Dabei habe ich ihr schon sehr genau zwischen die Beine geschaut.

MEMBER-17142 556日前

She reminds me of a girl I used to bang. Great times!

Outstanding pussy!

MEMBER-23652 556日前

Brilliant video! I'm no fan of Tattoos but have to say that the ink artist did a great job of modifying and hiding Aleya's previous tattoo in the same place...

Nice work Aleya & Jiri!

MEMBER-23115 554日前

More Aleya !!!
Shes beautiful!!!




PJGirls - オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

PJGirls - ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

PJGirls - 安全な接続と請求,閲覧は日本語OK!コメントも日本語入力OK!3ヶ月以上の連続会員は特別ボーナスで秘密の過激オマンコヴィデオダウンロードOK!


PJGirls - 100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

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