Tina's enjoying the blue sky and sunshine and wears a blue top and short skirt to complement the sky. Raising her top, she squeezes her tiny tits and perky button nipples. If Tiny Tina lives up to her name on the outside though, her pussy makes up for it. With superb inner muscular CUNTROL, Tina flexes her inner muscles to alternately create a cavernous orifice and close her entrance altogether with a glistening, rippled barrier. As she pulls her top completely off, she lays on the ground, holding her ass cheeks wide apart to create a funnel that you could park a baseball bat in. The view at 9 mins as Jiri zooms in is superb! Laying on her back now, she really focuses on creating a big "O" - no, not an orgasm this time, but the dark cavern that is her cunt entrance. Alas, there's too much light on the outside to see much of what's happening on the inside, but with an outside view this good, who cares?
ウワーッ、Tinyだ!俺、彼女大好きなんだ。美人でちょうどいいサイズのおっぱいとデッカい穴のオマンコ。最高だね。真っ青な空の下で青いブラウスとミニスカート、画像自身がすっごい綺麗だ。真っ白な長い足、そこでオッパイとオマンコ早速ご開帳。うわっ、やっぱオマンコデカい。その穴もデカい。きっれいなピンク色だ。その周りのお肉の塊もシワシワの表面とゴロゴロしていい感じ。結構ちっちゃな突起が何個もあるんだな。お肉の押し出しも興奮だな。穴のオープンクローズ何回やったかな?仰向けでオマンコを筋肉の動きだけで広げただけでその穴、結構デカい。Tiny Tina, Claudia, Lara Fox - One More Hand - 2020-03-02kで手を一本入れてるけど多分2本は十分入りそうだ。やってみて。
ところでTinyの尿道口、すっごい小さい。 https://www.lovewetting.com/ でたくさんシッコシーン撮ってる。PJGではTiny Tina - Bonus With Tiny Tina - 2019-06-16kしかないからもっと見たいな。
同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: SUNLIGHT - 2023年5月25日.