After a break of 8 years, Nikki returns to us - more beautiful than ever. The added years have transformed this pretty girl into a luscious woman - with as many curves as you could wish for. Nikki's nipples have always been dark and full. Now cresting larger breasts however they look just fab-u-lous! Sitting on the stairs, Nikki caresses her full boobs, before leaning back to let us enjoy the treasure between her thighs. Her pussy is pink and delicate with a pouting urethra to crest it. Turning around, Nikki shows her fabulous booty. Surely, this is the definition of a big, beautiful woman? Thank you for returning to us Nikki. Here's hoping you'll provide us with a full view of your gorgeous bod next time.... every delicious cm2!
同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: NIKKI ONTHE STAIRCASE - 2023年3月28日.