Really Strong - intro photo


There's nothing subtle about this fabulous video. We open with Suzie naked as the day she was born with her pussy held wide open by a clear speculum and her cervix clearly in view. She rubs her clit for a bit before slowly starting to fuck herself with the speculum - always great as the result is pussy walls undulating beneath the spec arms and the girl's cervix rise and fall in sympathy. The macro view of this, for 2 1/ mins from 2:00 is simply stunning - maybe one of the best internal views we've seen (a tough call)? Zooming out, Suzie gets back to the clit rubbing before upping the pace with the Hitachi. It seems to take her a few seconds to get into it - the sensations being slightly too intense at first, and needing to be reigned back with fingers replacing the wand. Soon Suzie gets into the grove however and there is no holding her back from delivering the wave upon wave of orgasms that she creates. The last part of the video transports us inside Suzie's pussy whilst the waves of pleasure were going through her. Normally, I'd take macro views as my fav rav, but in this instance, seeing Suzie in all her glory has to take first place.


同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: REALLY STRONG - 2023年2月7日.


長さ: 19:33



子宮;ポルチオ 婦人科 マスタベーション クスコ オルガスムス ヴァギナのうねり バイブ おもちゃ 剃り オマンコ ブルーネット



MEMBER-14183 784日前

Only a PJGirl welcomes you with a gaping cunt and cervix on full display right from second one. No tame striptease but pure graphic exposure of the cunt. That's so hot, ladies! Suzie is a beauty!
PJ girls, where hot ladies shamelessly gape the Fotzenloch for you!

Nur ein PJGirl begrüßt dich mit weit offener Fotze und direktem Blick auf ihren Muttermund ab der ersten Sekunde. Da wird sich nicht lange geziert und sich langsam entkleidet,hier geht es nur um die Möse in detaillierter Nahaufnahme. Das ist so heiß, liebe Mädels! Von ihrer weit offenen Fotze abgesehen ist Suzie aber auch sonst eine Hübsche!
Ich liebe es wie ungeniert man bei den meisten Mädchen in ihre Scheide schauen darf und wie bereitwillig sie oftmals sogar ihre Gebärmutter knipsen lassen. Bitte genauso weitermachen, PJGirls!

MEMBER-22522 784日前

Great speculum video. The more the better.

MEMBER-22363 784日前


MEMBER-14183 783日前

Eagerbeaver, that's why it is called 'Muttermund' (mother's mouth) in German.

MEMBER-22363 783日前

Is that right? CLITLICKER. I didn't know. It's interesting to know different country sexual terms.

MEMBER-22561 781日前


MEMBER-18565 773日前

Great looking cervix with the red to pink contrast. Very stimulating to me.

MEMBER-25981 293日前

Actually it doesn't work for me when they already have their lips and wall spread, think it would be better to start off with a wide shot, legs apart etc, then watch as she slowly slides the speculum in, then slowly opens it out so her cunt walls get spread wide so we get a look deep inside.

But I can think of worse ways to spend my time...

MEMBER-26198 234日前

The blood is so erotic!




PJGirls - オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

PJGirls - ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

PJGirls - 安全な接続と請求,閲覧は日本語OK!コメントも日本語入力OK!3ヶ月以上の連続会員は特別ボーナスで秘密の過激オマンコヴィデオダウンロードOK!


PJGirls - 100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

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