Lauren Black - intro photo


Lauren is the latest addition to the PJG portfolio and what a wonderful addition she is. 26 years old and displaying that perfect balance of womanly maturity contained in unblemished youth. Lauren's figure is a joy - shapely breasts, gorgeous large plump nipples and a perfectly rounded ass - all on a lady that's pretty as a picture. Thank you for joining us Lauren! With a body this beautiful you really don't want clothes to obstruct it and thankfully Lauren disrobes quickly to allow us an unfettered view. This may be Lauren's first video with us, but she is a natural when it comes to opening her pussy to let us enjoy every glistening ripple that she has to offer. Lauren's skin is as smooth as cream.... her pussy equally smooth and creamy. Just a total delight!

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: LAUREN BLACK - 2022年12月10日.


長さ: 14:42



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ パイパン オマンコ ブルーネット



MEMBER-17357 813日前

I can't keep my eyes off Lauren's CUNT (or my hand off my cock): great spreads, especially from behind. Keep exposing your fuckholes, Lauren!!

MEMBER-6770 808日前

Lauren is exceptionally gorgeous!! WOW!! So glad she's here! Thanks.

MEMBER-22290 803日前

Thank you for your service Lauren, you do great as a cunt model!

MEMBER-19658 802日前

10/10 - elegant, classical beauty, beautiful face, breasts, and figure, supersexy and interesting pussy, and some nice air intake and queefing sounds as well. hope to see lots more of lauren, especially queefing, cervix, and peeing.

MEMBER-21660 798日前

beautiful LAUREN with milky white soft skin

love the way she spreads her lovely pussy and opens up her perfect inners

MEMBER-22354 787日前

Lauren's cunt looks yummy and her wetness is fabulous

MEMBER-22250 758日前

I wanna put my face in her pussy

MEMBER-23115 550日前

More of her great, pinky and tight pussy please!

MEMBER-24147 521日前

I asked my dick what he thinks of Lauren. And the fool down there just started spraying, that was a clear answer.
The beauty is now on my favorites list.




PJGirls - オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

PJGirls - ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

PJGirls - 安全な接続と請求,閲覧は日本語OK!コメントも日本語入力OK!3ヶ月以上の連続会員は特別ボーナスで秘密の過激オマンコヴィデオダウンロードOK!


PJGirls - 100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

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