Mature Pussy - intro photo


Our lovely MILF Delia commences this video in an elegant little black dress, which she soon shrugs from her shoulders to reveal soft, shapely breasts. Delia massages her beautiful natural boobs and nipples before moving to press her pussy through her white panties. Pulling them aside, she separates her lips to show her welcoming cavern. As she squeezes her pussy walls, her ass pouts outwards as a rosebud - looking as enticing as her cunt. Long, delicious gapes continue for the remainder of the video - both front and rear view until we finish - once more focussed on Delia's beautiful face and boobs.

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: MATURE PUSSY - 2021年8月3日.


長さ: 13:44



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ プロラプス:膣出し パイパン オマンコ そそる女 ブルーネット ヤセ



MEMBER-18388 1313日前

So beautiful!

MEMBER-18625 1313日前

yes!!! i wanna see her take the big one.

MEMBER-18710 1313日前

nice to see some more mature Ladies here more often

MEMBER-4899 1313日前

Perfect pussy presentation. I have been with pjgirls for years because of films like this.

MEMBER-18461 1312日前


MEMBER-18383 1312日前

Als Milf-Pussy-Liebhaber bin ich hier fast im Eldorado! :-)) Großartig! ❤
Wie würde wohl Delias herrliche Liebesgrotte zur Geltung kommen mit hilfe von "Gizmo"? ;-)
As a milf pussy lover, I'm almost in the Eldorado here! :-)) Great! ❤
How would Delia's wonderful love grotto come into its own with the help of "Gizmo"? ;-)

MEMBER-18625 1312日前

Better yet, bring back the bush and film the big one in the bush!

MEMBER-18000 1312日前

You can’t beat a gaped MILF cunt. They open wider than younger girls and are always a turn on. More MILFS gaping their cunt open PLEASE!!!!!????????

MEMBER-17357 1312日前

Superb CUNT show. Thank you, Delia!

MEMBER-14183 1312日前

Without the bush I almost did not recognize her.
That mature lady is looking better than ever though. Please keep searching for experienced woman that gape their cunts wide open!

Ohne Pelz hätte ich sie beinahe nicht erkannt. Diese reife Dame sieht jedoch noch besser als zuvor aus. Bitte bringt weiter auch erfahrene Frauen die vor der Kamera weit die Mösen dehnen und sich so ganz schamlos ins Loch filmen lassen.

MEMBER-18383 1312日前

Hey Jiri+Admin- seid gegrüßt ! :-)))
Seht - die wahren Mösenkenner - der "PJ-Milf-Fan-Club" ist sich (wiedermal) einig -- find ich großartig ! :-))
Hey Jiri + Admin - greetings! :-)))
Look - the real cunt connoisseurs - the "PJ-Milf-Fan-Club" is (again) in agreement - I think it's great! :-))

ADMIN 1312日前

Yeah, we appreciate that you guys don't mind if we throw in a MILF from time to time... ;-) I mean as long as the open cunt is good enough the age does not matter much :-)

MEMBER-18228 1311日前

please set up a Queening chair / and also flashing pussy in a pub or bar.

MEMBER-6770 1310日前

WOW!! Truly AMAZING!! Thanks!

MEMBER-8185 1310日前

Love mature pussy. Bring it on!

MEMBER-18692 1281日前

I totally agree with you all. More MILFS with big widestretch CUNTS

MEMBER-19584 1191日前

Hot lady,beautiful open pussy.

MEMBER-20536 1059日前

Delia is wonderful, very sexy and when she spreads and contracts her pussy, love how her ass rose pushed out

MEMBER-22455 784日前

it is so rare to see a elegant mature lady like delia




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オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

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ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

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