Young Mom - intro photo


We have seen quite a few new models lately. Most of them are stunning in their beauty and youthful appearance. Chloe Bailey is one such model. She is 19 years old at the time of shooting here. She has some great features with dark hair and a great chest. I do not know if she is a mom as the title suggests, but with a gaping hole as big as hers, the evidence may well be there. She has little issue spreading herself out with a big stretchy hole. Her pussy is a spectacle and I would not be surprised if we got to see much more of her in the future. Her hand can be a little distracting but do not let it get in the way of her lovely body on display. A curvy model like this is a rare treat and I would love to see what more we can do with that great set of tits and ass. Her pussy is among the best and I hope we capture much more of it.


長さ: 13:37



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ パイパン オマンコ ビッチョリ オマンコ ティーン ブルーネット



MEMBER-14825 1634日前

Beautiful girl, beautiful pussy and beautiful gaping but completely spoilt by that ugly green hand.

MEMBER-14383 1634日前

Holy shit. She’s new and already a gape master. I hope to see plenty more of Chloe, especially gaping wide open from behind, ass straight towards the camera. She’s definitely a nutbuster!

MEMBER-15979 1634日前

Very sexy, beautiful pussy also

MEMBER-15815 1634日前

Hey PJ, my Congratulations, you found a new jewel for us! Chloe is a beautiful girl and her pussy is "great developed" and very promising. Chloe knows how to present her "treasure chest" wonderfully, I hope we see a lot more of her! :-) :-)

MEMBER-16062 1634日前

I thought she had frost bite on her hand. Im all for tattoos but why on earth would you do that? It was very distracting from the glorious pussy spreads.

MEMBER-16141 1634日前

OMG, what craziness has she done with her hand - why? That completely destroys the sight of her pussy.
I hope for her it's only a washable paint and not a real tattoo ink - looks dirty and ugly.
My suggestion to Jiří - make a lesbian fisting video with her, interesting to see when her black hand disappears into a large pussy.

ADMIN 1633日前

Guys, this is what happens when the tattoo goes teerribly wrong. After the first unsuccessful attempt she went to had it "fixed" and the "tattoo master" failed for the second time... and this is the result. The hand is literally destroyed but let's not laugh at her, she's very unhappy about it too. Her cunt is amazing and that's why we hired her.

MEMBER-11825 1633日前

That's unfortunate. Be better to laser it away , better pink scars than that. Maybe she can get enough money for it...

MEMBER-15647 1632日前

A new girl for us to enjoy. She has a good gaping technique and opens her cunt nice and wide they way we all like to see it.
More of her please.

MEMBER-16225 1631日前

A very beautiful and mysterious girl. But what did she do with her right hand? I hope, this can be removed again!????

MEMBER-14825 1631日前

Kontstanz6, read above. The hand is the result of a bad tattoo cover up job and the girl is very aware of it. Admin has already explained this to us.

MEMBER-15792 1631日前

Thats what I join this site beautiful girls gaping pussy and feet .

MEMBER-16526 1587日前

She should sue the 'tattooist'. Maybe she can do crowd funding for skilled correction in a proper cosmetic surgical hospital, not another cowboy operator.

MEMBER-6043 1561日前

That's why I joined this site. Beautiful girls gaping their Cunts wide open. Chloe is beautiful!

MEMBER-17101 1480日前

bring her back w jeweled glove

MEMBER-19658 949日前

i have to agree; it's too distracting.

MEMBER-25981 251日前

The hand is a massive turn off - WTF?




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ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

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