Tina Under The Bridge - intro photo


'Tiny' Tina, as she is affectionately known, is a star. From the moment I set my eyes down her chute, I could tell that she was a legend in the making. She has such a wide birth with all of those bulging girly bits. Seriously, in the upclose shots, it is hard to tell what you are looking at. There is so much going on, and so many little corridors sticking out. To boot, she has that really thin, and really sexy body. She does an under bridge routine, which is becoming part of every model's portfolio here. She effortlessly gapes herself and gives you the pink goods. The fans have spoken on this model, and I agree, she is a true keeper! Give us more.

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: TINA UNDER THE BRIDGE - 2019年6月27日.


長さ: 15:12



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ プロラプス:膣出し パイパン オマンコ デカ オマンコ ブルーネット



MEMBER-12997 2077日前

what a wonderful human being. All natural and no piercing, tattoo or plastic surgery in sight. She is cute and has one of the most adorable, great pussies on this site. What a delicious and great gape!

MEMBER-12967 2077日前

Wov, Thanks for the view of her beatiful pussy, this video show the the pussy good. I am her to see pussy

MEMBER-12338 2077日前

Tina is my new favorite model - the labia pulls are fantastic, and she really knows how to make her cunt look huge! Awesome!

And I also love her firm little tits, and the way she seems to delight in squeezing them. And her smile :-)

MEMBER-4899 2077日前

Because of such films I am a member of PJgirls for years: Solo videos with attractive women who have a horny cunt and present this best possible: FRONTAL RECORDINGS ARE THE BEST: Outer labia pull apart so that you have an optimal view in the pussy and all Details recognizes. Or pull the pussy apart with your hands - because you can see all the details. Very important: This woman does not reach into the cunt to stretch. OK then? Because that grab in the pussy blocks the view! As I said, this video is perfect!

MEMBER-12787 2076日前

one of the best scene, THIS is why I am here!!! awesome!

MEMBER-6860 2076日前

PJ Girls ist the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the great Updates!

MEMBER-12532 2076日前

Excellent video. I love watching Tina spread her cunt wide open.

MEMBER-12930 2076日前

Lord have mercy. This is some high quality shit right here. My God. Please, more updates with this magnificent cunt spreader.

MEMBER-7259 2075日前

@PUSSYLOVER I absolutely agree, before PJG appeared and after like 20 years I was close to give up hope that at least some of all these video makers would one day realize that people don't want to see just fingers, hands and toys hiding the actual sweet spots which are fully visible only for seconds - if at all. Btw. this bridge is rapidly becoming a tourist attraction. ;-)

MEMBER-4899 2075日前

Yes TESTALES, that's exactly how it is. I'm also glad that there are PJGirls with the women like Tina who use the exact techniques to show the cunt optimally and do not cover anything with their fingers.

MEMBER-13011 2075日前

Fantastic girl! Awesome pussy! Lots more please!

MEMBER-12997 2075日前

Now imagine she would push her muscles so her pussy widens more...

MEMBER-8185 2075日前

Tiny Tina is the best. I love her sweet gaping pink hole. Nice and deep just the way i like it!

MEMBER-10886 2073日前

Fantastic girl, love seeing all her bumps and folds and pure mush inside, so hot!

MEMBER-12998 2072日前

love how she exposes herself for our inspection..... wide open legs and a wide open cock hole,,, sexy as fuck

MEMBER-13111 2067日前

What an incredible orgasm tunnel! Such wonderful folds and ridges would get me there in nothing flat.

MEMBER-13193 2053日前

This movie alone is worth a membership - the way as the models presenting their cunts is unique only at PJGirls - Tina is one of those girls with a large cunt splended to spread for our pleasure - please much more of Tina !!!

MEMBER-13863 1952日前

Tina is sensational. Let's have many more of this extremely sexy girl! Her solo stuff, just spreading, is awesome.

MEMBER-13818 1945日前

Wow, what a pussy, beautiful!!!

MEMBER-14146 1904日前

Tiny is a superb natural model and her pussy - absolutely a premium pussy !!

MEMBER-15647 1587日前

Nothing Tiny about her. Her cunt is enormous.




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ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

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