Under The Stairs - intro photo


Like a lot of girls on this site, Aria Rossi improves her abilities over time. In one instance, she can't gape her pussy all that much, and the next, she is able to gape at a great level. This video is an example of the latter.

Aria is ale to really dig into her hole here and to produce some great results. Wearing a black dress, she finds a spot on the stairs. This works well because the camera is able to get right underneath her and see right up where the sun doesn't usually shine. On this site though, the sun goes where ever the hell it wants to, and usually finds a home in the most explicit of dark caves. Also of note, her tits seems to have either grown a few sizes between this video and the last, or they just look really big being smooshed in place by her dress. I think it is the former. Whatever the case though, they look grand. The pussy spreading starts pretty mild, as it usually does. She gets her legs open and the camera rests on the step below her. Eventually her pussy gets really wide and looking quite sexy. In the second half of this video, Aria finds a bed of sorts by the stairs. She uses it to lie on her front, and spread her pussy with her ass up in the air. Her body is very sexy up close and from far away, which indicates that her skin is very smooth and she does not have many noticeable flaws.

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: UNDER THE STAIRS - 2018年5月31日.


長さ: 12:49



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ パイパン オマンコ ブルーネット



MEMBER-10203 2476日前


MEMBER-10264 2475日前

Not so very exciting - her first movie was better.

MEMBER-10012 2475日前

Yum is right!

MEMBER-14146 1888日前

Aria Rossi is a superb Model and makes a superb pussy show !!




PJGirls - オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

PJGirls - ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

PJGirls - 安全な接続と請求,閲覧は日本語OK!コメントも日本語入力OK!3ヶ月以上の連続会員は特別ボーナスで秘密の過激オマンコヴィデオダウンロードOK!


PJGirls - 100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

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