Vanessa Sweet is a milf. You would probably not see a chick her age wearing a school girl outfit, but that is why people come to PJG. They come to see girls like they never saw them before.
This female's pussy is open from the beginning of this clip until the end. The speculum does yeoman's work at helping out the view. Jammed right up her hole, and sitting in there sideways, Vanessa's twat looks beautiful. She has some tattoos around her legs, tits out, and dressed in plaid all over. She spends the first half of this clip shaking her cunt in your face. Yummy!
She gets to making herself moan over a vibrator, but it does not do it for her. She switches to an older model, one of those big magic wand looking vibrators. What ever gets her off, I suppose. This girl has a large threshold for pleasure. It takes her ages to get off! Eventually though, the tool does its job, and sends the speculum flying out of her hole. Her body twitches, and her pussy contracts.
同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: INSIDE VANESSA SWEET - 2018年1月6日.