Pussy Ripper - intro photo


Michelle Ritchie is going to give us one more look up her hole. Well, we hope to see her back in the future. However, if this is her last video, she will have gone out in style.

Michelle is going to start the video out bottomless. She gets her pussy in view relatively quickly, and promptly gets her hole gaping. She wants to please herself with her red dildo, and gets it shoved in. We here at PJGIRLS are expert voyeurs, and we want to see exactly where that dildo goes, and how it gets there. After some more preliminary spreading, Michelle gets the special calipers out, and opens her meat gates. Her pussy is just as pink and lovely to explore as ever. The view is very low and well lit, exposing every bit of vaginal glory.

In this 18+ minute clip, we are given long and lovely closeups of the inside of this women's pussy hole. While she is open, we are treated to her returning the dildo inside, that we may imagine the way our cock would look and feel inside of her.

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: PUSSY RIPPER - 2017年11月9日.


長さ: 18:18



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ 婦人科 おもちゃ 特製オマンコ拡張器 パイパン オマンコ ブルーネット デカパイ ポッチャリ



MEMBER-8732 2686日前


MEMBER-8602 2685日前

Damned, not else again such a movie with speculum or spreader-tong. Far too many similar movies were published in the short past -
I hate this way !!! - 1000 thumbs down !!!

MEMBER-7112 2685日前

There are some of the thumb down, on the contrary I like any thing about omanko related, especially close-ups. But the girl has to be cute. I can almost see the Skene's glans. Happy!!

MEMBER-5958 2685日前

Hmmmmmmm. 6 out of the last 10 videos have no toys in it so I don't understand the negative reactions to this clip. The tools may be the same but every Fotzenloch is different and a joy to explore.

Michelle is kind enough to spread thighs and let us have a very intimate look at her cunt. That's not too bad!

MEMBER-6860 2685日前

All the time Vids like this one :(

MEMBER-7112 2685日前

My tastes for woman body is developping and also I believe PJGirls content is advancing too. They match each other at the same time. Look at Inthecrack, ALSscan and other similar sites. They are so boring. I used to subscribe those, but now I almost don't have interests.: ) : ) : ) and smiles!!

MEMBER-6860 2685日前

Yep PJ Girls is a nice site but why all the time tools like that? :((
Just look the result of this video ...

MEMBER-8057 2685日前

Less and less interesting videos.

MEMBER-5958 2684日前

Speaking of new toys: I just found that the Sakurai XO speculum is on sale at the moment. Maybe this is the oportunity to get one? But I think that its size is a bit over the top, even for girls with a really huge Fotzenloch it may be unconfortable, not to say painful.

If interrested in details though the admin knows how to contact me.

MEMBER-5958 2684日前

How about a crowd funding for it? If each speculum lover would give 5 Euro/Dollar then 28 guys would make this King of Speculums available to the Kings of Gaping. Maybe the first lady that is brave enough to use it can read the nicknames of the funders while the XO is gaping her omanko wide. Or a little other reward. Would make a perfect bonus clip I think.

MEMBER-7112 2684日前

Let's do it! Viva speculums! Max gaping omanko is always welcome.

MEMBER-5958 2683日前

I did set up a funding project:

Feel free to throw some bucks into it. I give you my word that everything will go into the purchase of a Sakurai XO.

Admin: I think we need a discussion board or something. A discussion in the comments section is dull.

MEMBER-7112 2683日前

What a quick job, CLITLICKER! I think foundation establishment is a good idea for our dreams to get good views of gaping omanko. To do this, we may have lots of problems to solve. I'm not an expert for this kind. But there may be security of customers, money control and management and there many be something else. Also I can't understand German of https://www.leetchi.com/de/Cagnotte/25900069/05a3c878. How, do you think, ADMIN?

MEMBER-5958 2683日前

Maybe I was a little bit too enthusiastic...
The idea is to get some funds in the next days and we will support our favourite porn site a little bit. No big issue. Leetchi is a site that manages collection of minor amounts of money from a group of people. You can switch the site to English at the bottom of the page. You can choose if you want to contribute anonymously or if a nickname should represent your donation.

I did help the admin when the arsenal of speculums had been extended some months ago.I talked a little bit with the supplier of these a convinced them to ship to a private adress in Germany. Usually the would only ship to gynaecologists. So this is how the Guttman and the Sullivan made its way to Czech Republic and into the cunts of our beloved models.

The german dealer for the Sakurai XO has this item on sale at the moment so I thought I could help again with the purchase of a new toy.

ADMIN 2682日前

Guys, remember that there's one big problem with many types of speculums and that's how uncomfortable the girls feel when using them. Jiri spent quite some time searching for speculums that won't hurt the girls (that much) and the choice is very narrow and requires girls with huge pussies. A month ago we were advised to use a collin speculum and that's exactly the type that hurts the girls. It's painful and doesn't offer any better visibility (yes, Jiri tested it).

Clitclicker - we did consider a discussion forum when we reworked the site but (1.) there's no time to include a modern one in the site (we are busier than ever - we unfortunately have/need multiple jobs) and (2.) most of the boards include arguments and fights and basically damage the reputation of the site itself. I'm moderator of two discussion boards and member of several more and it's often hopeless to read some of the discussions there. Either we'd have to keep the forum for members only (and look, only 15-20 people discuss) or we'd have to open it to general public and it would soon turn into a spam hole. It's not a good idea. The comments section isn't bad if we don't count the neverending (and absolutely pointless) discussions between people who like speculum videos and those who don't.

MEMBER-7112 2681日前

Yes, I think ADMIN is right. I don't want PJGirls get spam hole. But if the discussion board is opened not only members but also the persons who donate money like CLITLICKER offered idea of speculum foundation(minimum of 2 or 3$?). This might be widen the opening of discussion. PS: Minimum donation persons who have right to download PJGirls files (1 or 2? according to the amount of money) How about this?

MEMBER-8290 2676日前

As for this video. I liked that and I didn't like it. I don't see any problem about the girl and her look or body. Personally I like voluptuous women,that's fine.

I like the idea where a girl spreads her pussy with this instrument and puts the dildo deep into the hole when there's extreme close-up and the right camera angle. But in this case this scene was too short,and except the very end of the scene,camera angle was wrong.

As for those speculums,I totally agree with the admin. If a girl feels any pain,don't use that kind of speculum. I think that it's very important that each girl knows and feels that she wasn't an attempt to put pressure on such she doesn't like. I'm sure that when a girl knows that everybody respect her and her opinion,she'll be happy even to return and maybe will tell others about her positive experience.

MEMBER-7112 2676日前

I think CHRISTIAN is right. But on the other hand, there are some other taste. There are every body knows worlds of sadism and masochism. When we expand the discussion to those side, it may be very interesting. How do you think, guys?




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