Inside Tera Link - intro photo


Tera perches on the bench as if she's fresh back from school band camp. We soon discover however that Tera's preferred instrument is a speculum - which she uses to perhaps the best effect of any young lady on this site (and that is soooo saying something!).

From the first insertion (in under 1 min), we see Tera's cervix clearly. As she moves the speculum in and out we see her youthful walls flexing around it. The element of this video which deserves an Oscar however is the close up internal views. From 2.38 we are provided with a simply stunning view clearly to the base of Tera's tunnel. Girl goo is already welling up around the speculum paddles as it clearly flows through the mouth of her cervix. We can continue to study her gently rippled walls - but now close up. For variety, the camera is zoomed out again - great, if only to be aware that Tera has now picked up the vibrator to press against her clit.

A look for determined pleasure graces Tera's lovely features as she obviously focusses on the sensations pulsing through her pretty young clit. Her focus pays off as she brings herself to a trembling orgasm just after 9 mins. With a pussy this beautiful however you want to feel the pleasure from inside. This being PJG, we are given the next best thing with a macro view through Tera's orgasm. We see her walls in perfect clarity as they begin to clench around the speculum paddles - the flow of juice becoming even greater.

The site of Tera's walls collapsing behind the speculum leaving only a flood of cream behind is simply delicious. This is without question a speculum video for connoisseurs. Full marks PJG. Full marks Tera!

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: INSIDE TERA LINK - 2017年8月12日.


長さ: 16:48



子宮;ポルチオ 婦人科 ヴァギナのうねり オルガスムス マスタベーション バイブ おもちゃ パイパン オマンコ ティーン ヤセ



MEMBER-6884 2749日前

Very very good. I hope to use another speculum by all type.

MEMBER-7112 2749日前

うわー、この娘かっわいい!オマンコもいいじゃん。No, no, no! The speculum must be placed in side way. Tera’s poor pee hole is flattened by clear plastic speculum and we can’t see it. The Pinkie is also missing. Instead, we can see clear omanko goo seeps silently from omanko wall. It’s excellent view! But when the speculum is in side way, we can probably notice which gland(Bartholin or Skene) is the source. Next time, side way position and possibly peeing please. 違うじゃん!横クスコはだってば。尿道がつぶれちゃって見えないじゃん。小指チャンもどっか行っちゃった。でもマン汁が滲み出てくるのいい眺めだな。でも横クスコならマン汁の出所がバルトリン腺かスキーン腺かわかるんじゃないか?次こそ横クスコでシッコするとこも見せろ。

MEMBER-886 2749日前

Completely disagree with Eagerbeaver. A speculum is used for providing a clear view of the cervix and this is simply the best way to see it. The view is clear and the toy is unobstructed by the speculum handle. For me, this is the ideal way to film these types of scene. For urethra and skene gland views, the standard spreading scenes are more appropiate in my opinion.

MEMBER-5523 2749日前

I'm thankful that we even have a website like PJGirls such that we can debate the merits of which way to hold a speculum.

A agree that a peeing scene with Tera would be great.

ADMIN 2749日前

Guys, the discussion about the "correct" way to insert the speculum is neverending, it's pointless to continue in it because each of you has a different opinion and we also keep receiving emails about it basically every week ;-) Some people want to see the cervix, others want to see the Skene glands (pussy walls) etc. Each speculum position simply has its advantages and disadvantages, there's no "correct" answer.

MEMBER-7112 2749日前

Hey guys, it's very good to have such space to discuss about girls sexy omanko parts. The discussion is very important for us because the site"'PJGirls'" can know what the customer desire and interest. Any opinion is welcomed and get together! ( I love SIDE WAY and PEEING please, please, please!)By the way, isn't there anybody who is interested in Tera's pinkie which is a little meaty horn sticking out from omanko wall?オマンコの話ができるのいいね。議論は大事だ。サイト側は俺たちの希望や好みが解るからな。どんな意見でもOKだ。一緒にやろうぜ!(でも横クスコとオシッコみたいなー頼むよ)ところで誰かテラちゃんのオマンコの小指ちゃんに興味ある人いないかな?

MEMBER-8055 2749日前

Amazing video, amazing beautiful girl. Thanks a lot PJ for another speculum extravaganza. In order to state my opinion I am for Speculum with the handle down, I love having the cervix with the rest of the model's body in frame.
As feedback, I would love to have doggy pose in the speculum video, I can't get tired of that good stuff.

MEMBER-7930 2749日前

Just perfect : excellent cervix views and close-ups.
With updates like this one i'll stay with you for years.
Thank you PJ :)

MEMBER-7112 2748日前

Hey Red-rock01, you seem to have curiosity about her pinkie, don't you? There are not so many girls who have that little thing. Therefore it is rare and I feel it's so sexy. Let some one pinch and stretch her pinkie! Red-rock01さんよ。彼女の小指ちゃんに興味ある?これってあんまりないんだよな。だから貴重でセクシーなんだ。誰かこれつまんで引っ張ってくれねーかな?

MEMBER-7112 2748日前

RED_ROCK01, as I reviewed Kara's car scene, I think it has good views for inspection and I could enjoy. She has very small PJtongue but there is no pinkies. I think the most desired scene for Tera is THE PEEING from side way speculum bulged pee hole and her omanko pinkie hanging around.Don't you think? Also I want Tera to show your omanko spread wider with metal gizmo. Lately, we don't see it. RED_ROCK01さん、カラの車のやつ見たけどまあまあだな。カラはPJベロあるけどマンコ小指はない。テラちゃんに絶対やって欲しいのは横クスコで尿道口が飛び出したところでシッコするのが見たいな。マンコ小指もブラブラしてさ。どうかな?それと最近見ないけど鳥かごみたいな拡張器使ってテラちゃんのオマンコ広げてくんないかな。

MEMBER-684 2748日前

WEY HEY, PJ Girls are back to their best with this one. Fantastic girl, great cervix shot and a nice long look while she builds up to an orgasm. i may criticise sometimes but credit where credits due this was fantastic. I'm with EAGERBEAVER and STAR0003 would also like to see some peeing.

MEMBER-7112 2748日前

Yes, of course positive. Or not 3 more scenes but no limit please. No one else complains, right? And also please don't forget pinching stretch of Tera's omanko pinkie.

MEMBER-7930 2748日前

I think that Tera Link must be a star on PJ Girls. I want her back for more scenes and i'm dreaming of a video with endoscopic camera deep inside her beautiful pink pussy.

MEMBER-5958 2748日前

Yeah, get that girl back for more sets! I haven't seen enough of her amazing Fotzenloch.
BTW: The only correct position of a speculum is WIDE open in the girl's cunt so everybody gets to see her cervix.

ADMIN 2746日前

I'm sure Tera will be back. It's just that we have to keep "rotating" the girls and introducing new ones. You can't imagine the complaints that we got when there wasn't any new model for two weeks.

I agree that she could become the new superstar of PJGirls, together with Nathaly, Silvie DeLuxe, Lexi Dona or Chrissy Fox.

MEMBER-7993 2746日前

I definetly agree that she should be the new star here. A scene with barefoot Tera exploring her pussy with a pussy cam would be a dream scenario!

MEMBER-7112 2746日前

Ohhh, RED_ROCK01, I'm your real supporter and backer. We need Tera to do as exactly as RED_ROCK01 said. But I don't request all at once. Please complete one by one(metal gizmos, Pinkie pulling and peeing) If you need, several scenes are welcomed. No hurry, take your time.(Ooooohh can't wait!! Want to see Tera's omanko more and more in detail!)ワオ、RED_ROCK01さんよ。俺も全く同じだ。テラちゃんはRED_ROCK01に言った通りにする事。でもいっぺんじゃなくていいんだ。一個ずつやってくれ(鳥かごおもちゃ、マンコ小指ちゃんの引っ張り、オシッコ)必要なら何回やってもいいよ。急がないでゆっくりやって。(ムムム、待てねー。テラのオマンコもっと見てー)

MEMBER-2125 2743日前

The correct way to use a speculum is "inside a woman's vagina, opened wide, with good lighting so we can see deep inside her". All the rest is merely details :-)

MEMBER-6191 2616日前

Just yummy yummy pussy juices on the whole video. Cum cum cum

MEMBER-19658 1161日前

the correct answer to the speculum orientation debate is to do it both ways. ^_^




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