Whole Body Stretching - intro photo


Anne’s opens her video by demonstrating how flexible her outer body is – very! She soon decides that her hips are being just a little constrained by her shorts – so best remove them – before completing the splits….. mmmm YUM. Anne knows however that we are more interested by inner splits, so she places her two index fingers deep inside her shaved pussy to permit our first peak of her love tunnel.

Anne is pretty as a picture from head to toe, her beautiful features framed by luscious auburn hair, two youthful pink nipple buds and an ass which is pin tight and puckered pink. As for the inner view -bellissima! Richly rippled walls, glisten with nectar. Please forgive Jiri for the slight blur at 4.52. I must confess that I would lose focus if my nose was only a few inches from Anne’s lovely pussy. In a few seconds however, normal service is resumed and we return to crystal clear focus on the entrance to Anne’s tunnel and her urethra.

The video continues to provide ample opportunity to appreciate Anne’s gorgeous body as we pull back to view her lovely bum first from the front and then behind, as she turns onto her knees. Anne’s anus looks so tight, you almost expect a sign above stating “You Shall Not Pass”. It begs gentle teasing rather than all out penetration. Just after 9 mins however, Anne shows that first impressions can be deceptive, as she manages, with apparent ease, to gape her lovely ass as well as her pussy. Obviously, just as impressed as us, Jiri zooms in to centre the screen on her bum hole before once more returning to the glistening pink cave below.

For the grand finale, Anne lies prone, legs asunder and reaches deep into her pussy to pull her walls wide apart, delivering a glorious vista of her gently undulating creamy cavern. As Jiri changes to macro view, we see her juices flowing around her pussy entrance.

Anne concludes her video by demurely turning over and blowing us a kiss. Thankyou Anne for being our flexible friend!

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: WHOLE BODY STRETCHING - 2017年2月21日.


長さ: 15:06



陰唇開き おっ広げおまんこ パイパン オマンコ PJベロ付き オマンコ 赤毛 ヤセ



MEMBER-14146 1887日前

a beautiful selfmade pussy stretching and gaping!

MEMBER-14239 1612日前

I know PJGirls is actually about cunts, but this tight asshole looks so delicious, would be surely a lot of fun to penetrate it.




PJGirls - オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

PJGirls - ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

PJGirls - 安全な接続と請求,閲覧は日本語OK!コメントも日本語入力OK!3ヶ月以上の連続会員は特別ボーナスで秘密の過激オマンコヴィデオダウンロードOK!


PJGirls - 100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

100% オリジナルの新鮮オマンコが画面にいっぱい、高画質で細かいところが目の前で見えてゾクゾク、他では見られない奥まで広げた   画面一杯のグワッと 迫る美人の  オマンコが物凄い !

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