Self–examination - intro photo


As guys (most of the members of this website are guys, although there are a few women), we know what we look like–it all hangs out, and is easy to see. But for women, their insides—the object of our desire at PJGirls—are largely hidden from them. They might see their labia, but most women don't have any idea what they look like "down there", let alone what they look like inside. Its strange to us guys to realize that, but its true!

Now, Kara has seen quite a lot of the inside of girl's pussies. She's probed Ani Blackfox, she's fisted Lucy Shine and Vanda, and she's given us a speculum show before, so we know what her pretty pink insides looks like :-)

Kara starts mostly nude, holding an opened speculum in her hand (you really get to see how much it stretches her open inside when you see it outside). Intellectually, we know that it must be pretty stretchy, but wow, a woman's vagina can get stretched open really wide inside! So when she inserts it and we see her cervix, and then she ratchets the speculum open and we really her cervix clearly, well... now we know why the view is so clear!

Kara inserts her fingers into the open speculum and fondles her cervix and vaginal walls, then rotates the speculum while it is maximally opened. We set up the video monitor so Kara could see what we are seeing, so this really is a voyage of self-exploration for her, too. And she's enjoying it as much as we are (you can see her natural milky-white lubrication), and we get both front and rear views of her speculum-stretched snatch. While she's on her hands and knees (with her pretty tits hanging down and her pretty ass in the air), she also tries to crush the speculum with her powerful vaginal muscles. She almost manages it, but we get to watch some lovely contractions before she finally rolls back onto her back, thrusts the speculum in and out, and finally withdraws it while it is still completely opened up. Nice stretch, Kara :-)

同じショットの画像ギャラリーはここにあります: SELF–EXAMINATION - 2016年3月19日.


長さ: 14:47



子宮;ポルチオ 婦人科 陰唇開き クスコ ヴァギナのうねり パイパン オマンコ ブルーネット



MEMBER-4604 3274日前

Wow! You have reinvented the whole speculum genre!

MEMBER-4485 3273日前

おお、結構いいんだけどAlly Styleの3月7日のヴィデオみたいにグルグル回せばいいのに。尿道が飛び出るとこ見たい。白いジュースはいいね。Yeah, video is basically good. But I think rotating speculum like Ally Style did on Mar. 7th would make the Omannko inside view much better. If she did it, we could enjoy meaty pee hole . Any way, the white love juice is good.

ADMIN 3273日前

Hello EagerBeaver, my colleague sends his best regards and answers your suggestions:

1. Rotating speculum - this is something that is unpleasant to some girls so we have to respect that. We don't want to force them into something that would be painful for them. Some girls can do it easily (Nathaly), some can't.

2. White love juice - Kara was very surprised that she enjoyed this speculum video so much! Gyno exam is probably something the girls are usually not really happy about but Kara was REALLY aroused and you can see that :-)))

MEMBER-4604 3273日前

Great to hear the producer's views!

I only wish Kara had handled the speculum like she does in this video in the girl-girl speculum scene Ani Blackfox too. That would have been really hot!

ADMIN 3272日前

closeups: I believe Ani Blackfox will be abroad for some months (travelling in South America) so she won't be available for some time...

MEMBER-1544 3272日前

we all have our preference for the position of speculums, I prefried horizontally, the cervix is less exposed, but I love all the details and folds completely exposed to our excited eyes.
But most important for me is to see the girls at ease. too many sites show girls who just work, there is no soul.
with you, when the girl having fun, she is hotter and gives us more,I saw a lot of the girls on other sites, but I prefer to see them here PJgirls, because they are willing to stretch the vagina up to the maximum, the views are often extreme but never vulgar , they play with us... that's good

ADMIN 3272日前

That is our goal. If a model looks bored we simply don't hire her anymore. We may make a mistake but we won't make it twice :-)

I'm not present at the shootings but from what I heard my colleague (cameraman) is very friendly and the girls like working for us. Which is very important for the overall atmosphere ;-)

MEMBER-4063 3271日前

A speculum should be used like a gynecologist does, for making visible the cervix and the inner vaginal walls. Cervix play or using a vibrator are okay but rotating and masturbating are not really necessary..

MEMBER-4686 3271日前

I am developing a keen interest in these pjgirls-style speculum assisted explorations of the model's vagina. I particularly like it when the entire cervix is fully exposed and protrudes for detailed viewing. And I love how Kara tries to manipulate her cervix for us. I would be delighted to see more cervix manipulation in future videos. Shots simultaneously showing the model's opened vagina with the exposed cervix and the her face are wonderful. (The Inside Annie video is good in that respect.)

MEMBER-4485 3270日前

I agree with X38Q4B72. As a moving image, in Omanko inside, rotation, movement or vibration of speculum or wire toy is very important actions to see how Omanko shape changes. I don't understand MOESENFAN opinion of no-need-rotiation . To think about models unpleasant is mandatory. This time, I 'll forget Japanese language. No time.

MEMBER-5364 3202日前

An amazing video, one of the best in the gyno self-exam style i've ever seen. More like this please ! The cervix views are perfect.
Thank you.

MEMBER-14146 1902日前

CUREATTACK : Thanks for your word's, i think even so!! :-) ;-)

MEMBER-14981 1790日前

Kara has a fantastic pussy

looks so good spread wide open and her use of the speculum is second to none

MEMBER-16162 1612日前

Another delight in this video is 2 sets of 2 squirts from glands. This can't be fake and show how much she enjoyed doing this video. More from Kara please

MEMBER-22384 153日前

Fab. video
This sort of extended examination is what I signed up for.




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オマンコをおっ広げた金髪美女がいっぱい!エエッそんなところまで見せちゃうの!?大画像だからこまかいブツブツやヒダヒダがハッキリ見えて楽しいぞ!若くてオマンコ肉が 飛び出すびっくりマンコ!

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ヴィデオは4Kでハッキリ大迫力!他では見られない、美女がイク時のオマンコの秘肉の蠢きやベットリの女汁がボタボタ出てくるところを微笑みながらバッチリ見せてくれる。  爆流オシッコもスッゴイぞ!

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