同じショットのヴィデオはここにあります: CHARLIE - 2024年3月15日.
同じショットのヴィデオはここにあります: CHARLIE - 2024年3月15日.
Hey, beauty, what's your job? Office? You show up in that fancy wear and no panties? Oh, OK your panties are wet with pee(we saw it on previous video) Now, Charlie shows inside of her skirt and then, also inside of omanko inside. Fabulous(°▽°) But I need much more inside detail with closeups, please. There are some who don't like spread omanko wide with speculum or artificial tool. I definitely don't want to see blood but I wanna see beautiful girl's onamko gaped wide to max limit with anything, tools, fingers or whatever spreading omanko. Tools are ideal because less blocking the sight. I think lots of PJG fans will agree. "PJGIRLS.COM THE MASTER OF GAPING "is the title.