If any of you think that Banksy is the only one to create art under concrete bridges - think again. Jiri and Akira working together create as pretty a picture as you could wish for. Akira begins by allowing us to enjoy the beauty of her perfect breasts, caressed and squeezed to allow us to fully appreciate Akira's lovely natural curves. Standing above us, Akira then parts her pretty pink lips to reveal the entrance to her delicious orifice. The mouth of Akira's pussy just begs to be kissed, licked and penetrated. From the angle that she places herself, you really could just imagine her lowering that beautiful moist opening onto you. The upward view is just perfect, allowing us to fully appreciate the curvature of Akira's gorgeous ass, as well as to focus, with increasing definition, on every detail of her pussy. As Jiri moves to macro - both front and rear view - the picture takes on a whole new, screen filling dimension of yumminess. I'm considering making the capture at 14.00 my new screen saver.
La gallerie photo correspondante se trouve là : AKIRA DONA UNDER THE BRIDGE - 4 septembre 2021.