Having descended from her previous pose on the stairs, shapely Samantha now sports a leopard skin dress which she gently peels down to reveal her gently curved breasts with full, tan nipples. Opening her legs to our gaze Samantha shows that she is bare of clothing and her, her perfect pussy requiring no adornment. Samantha is certainly tight... no wide gapes here... but her inner lips are so neat and enticing as to allow forgiveness for little by the way of internal views. That said, as Samantha presses her fingers inside herself, the view of her glistening upper walls and urethra is quite delicious. We wait to see if this beautiful young lady can (or wishes to) display her inner beauty via the addition of our trusty speculum. To be continued!
La correspondiente fotogalería puede encontrarse aquí: LONG LEGGED BEAUTY - 17 de febrero de 2022.