Delphine is certainly one of Sir Vic's favourite models, and to see her demurely perched on the bed, with a smorgasbord of toys and instruments in front of her just makes me drool with antici-pation!
We start with a pink dildo, first inserted at each end and then, as this is Delphine with the amazing flexible pussy, folded in half. The image as she squeezes it in and out using her cunt muscles alone does slightly remind me of a scene from Alien, but is great nevertheless!
Having accommodated her first toy, Delphine demonstrates how its warmed her up by tugging her vadge entrance wide open - but not as wide as its going to get! With the insertion of the paddle spreader Delphine's vaginal canal is held wide enough to give us a clear view all of the way to her unblemished cervix. The view of her pussy walls as the spreader is removed is yummy.
Next comes the egg whisk pressed all of the way in. With the addition of a little lube, Delphine uses this as a dildo. When Jiri moves to macro at 11.54 the clarity of focus on Delphine's pussy walls is simply stunning - really justifying your hi-def download! We even get a brief glimpse of Delphine's cervix as a bonus.
OK - it shouldn't be a bonus - it should be the main event - so in goes the large metal spreader which opens Delphine wide enough to leave nothing to the imagination and allows us to study her cervix to our hearts content. the macro view at 15.40 is again stunning!
The final course in this magnificent menu is the hexagonal wire cone. This allows us to inspect all of Delphine's walls at once.
Delphine is without question one of the best gyno models out there and this has to be classed as one of the best gyno vids. PJG, we salute you!!!
La correspondiente fotogalería puede encontrarse aquí: WHOLE ARSENAL - 22 de abril de 2017.