Descripción disponible sólo para las novedades de video.
El contenido correspondiente al video puede encontrarse aquí: BLUE CHAIR - 8 de noviembre de 2024.
Descripción disponible sólo para las novedades de video.
El contenido correspondiente al video puede encontrarse aquí: BLUE CHAIR - 8 de noviembre de 2024.
I love this site, and Its not fair to pick on the lovely Lucianna with my gripe, it appears in many of PJ's photo sets over the years.
I love buttholes and butthole gaping and for me the hugest turn off there can be is seeing dried shit on or around the butthole. Some people may like this, I don't. Is it too much to expect your models to have a bit of pride in their personal hygiene and wipe or wash properly after taking a dump.
Lastly as YOU point out quite often to comments, this is primarily a pussy gaping site so considering the amount of photo's of feet you show, is it again too much to expect to see a fountain of pee from a gaping pussy now and again.
You can't please everybody all of the time but the occasional pee shot is a bit closer to home than a set of dirty feet.