A beautiful girl, naked from the waist down, with an endoscope. What could be nicer? How about 2 beautiful girls?
We start off with Silvia and Licky, legs akimbo (i.e. pussies on display), laying back on the bed. Soon, synchronised spreading (that really should be a national sport) allows us to study both girls’ yummy bits up close and personal. Silvia or Licky? Which to choose? Light skin vs tanned? Pointing nips vs pepperoni? Decisions, decisions. For me – vive la différence!
At 4 ½ mins we start the journey to the centre of Silvia, courtesy of the endoscope. The inset screen shows us her rippled walls whilst we continue to celebrate the overall view of both girls. One minute later, we zoom in closer to focus on Silvia alone. Looking again at the inset view, you can see oozing pussy juice easing the passage of the endoscope. Silvia’s walls part easily, giving us a superb view as the endoscope moves within. Silvia’s lower wall is particularly delicious – like a muscular tongue, just waiting to caress you as you enter.
At 10 mins, Silvia turns over to widen the corridor. As the endoscope is worked inside by Licky, you now get a clear view along the cavern to Silvia’s depths. And, as this is an endoscope, we don’t have to watch from a distance. The inset screen is soon filled by the beautiful sight of Silvia’s cervix – amidst a creamy pool of girl goo. Via the big screen we also of course get to appreciate Silvia’s gorgeous bum and her outer lips.
The great dilemma on this video is knowing what to focus on. At 14 mins you have to choose between Licky’s beautiful breasts and wonderful nips, Silvia’s delightful bum or her perfect creamy cervix. Come on Jiri what are you doing to us??? And then, just when you thought you couldn’t stand any more, Silvia introduces a Hitachi wand. You now therefore have to add the mix of Silvia’s moans of obviously genuine delight and her pleasure palace vibrating both inside and out. As Silvia’s whole body starts to shake, her cervix starts to pulsate as her orgasm approaches. It hits just before 19 mins and we are left in awe to watch the withdrawal of the endoscope along the now flooded cavern.
The video ends by both girls turning over and smiling for the camera. Ladies – we salute you!
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