Delia is as elegant a milf as you could wish to see. Here, she wears a sheer white shirt through which her nipples press provocatively. Lifting up the shirt, we get to enjoy direct sight of her lovely, natural boobs which she caresses in just the way that we'd love to. Removing her white panties, she straddles the chairs and holds open her pussy, allowing us to enjoy views of her moist cunt entrance from every angle, including towards the end, her firm round ass pointed squarely towards us. The video ends with delightful Delia once more seated and smiling elegantly at us. Do you know, for once if I was saving a freeze frame, it might be with her covering her assets - 12.25 - she simply looks beautiful.
Die passende Foto-Galerie findest du hier: DELIA ON TWO CHAIRS - 7. Januar 2023.