Welcome once more to our perfect MILF. Perfect features, perfect boobs and of course a perfectly delicious pussy. All that is missing is somebody to appreciate her (me, me I hear you cry!). In this instance.... its Licky.
Licky inserts her experienced fingers to pull Kathy's lips aside. we're provided with clear views of her very distinct inner ripples and open urethra - all whilst being able to admire Kathy's ample breasts. As the angle moves from front to side, we also gain a better appreciation of her lovely rounded bum cheeks.
Moving to her knees, Kathy lets Licky pull her wide open for some spirited rear gaping. Whilst the lighting and focus might not be quite up the normal PJG standards from the rear, the quality of the subject allows us to forgive all.
Die passende Foto-Galerie findest du hier: LICKY AND KATHY - 8. Juli 2017.