Popis je dostupný pouze u novějších videí.
Video s totožným námětem můžete najít zde: PLAYFUL ANGEL - 29. června 2016.
Popis je dostupný pouze u novějších videí.
Video s totožným námětem můžete najít zde: PLAYFUL ANGEL - 29. června 2016.
I'm an architect and really interested in structure, parts, equipments etc. This set brought out Angel's secret structure. Beautiful dimpled pink wall. sexy extruded pee hole, leaking round cervix, soft labia minors and majors. Ho, I wanna see more of her omanko details! Please! 仕事が建築関係だから構造や部品に興味があるんだ。このセットはエンジェルの秘密構造が良くわかる。綺麗なピンクの凸凹の壁、 色っぽい出っ張った尿道、滲み出てる丸い子宮、柔らかい小陰唇、大陰唇。いいな〜。もっとこの子のオマンコの細かいとこ見たい!
Maybe add a metal rod with a soft end for a little poking around (soft end = safe)
Please consider in the future doing the video like the photo set, with more medium range shots ( the whole body in view), and not so much close ups. As an example, in the whole video of this set ( more than 18 min in length, only a couple of minutes one can appreciate full body + speculum views as in the photo set. Thanks.
Beautiful model, but I would love to see her more looking into the cam. She seems a little bit distracted.